Recent Lifestyle Posts

Celebrating 10 years meat free!!

Celebrating 10 years meat free!!

2023 see’s me celebrating 10 years of 100% living life meat free (go me!) And I say 100% because according to a recent Facebook memory I stopped eating meat (kind of) back in 2010. I say “kind of” because as I recall I would eat the odd McDonald’s burger after a night...

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Is it Spring yet?

Is it Spring yet?

Well here we are in June! June!!!! Shall I say it again? JUNE!! And to start off the month the weather set me up once again for failure! Yes okay, spring, not my favourite season, I’ve mentioned that on many blog’s before. But I do have justified reasons for this!...

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It’s Friday

It’s Friday

Happy Friday! (Fri-yay, nearly the weekend day, you’ve made it to the end of the week day) whatever you like to call it, Friday is officially my favourite day of the week! And I do like to congratulate myself on making it through a whole week of work, which because of...

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May Day’s

May Day’s

May is the month when Spring is in full bloom, the nights are lighter and the weather (should) be turning warmer. And although the weather isn’t quite giving me those warmer vibes just yet, I’m excited that we’ve headed into this brand new vibrant season. Whilst I...

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Dog mum life

Dog mum life

Get a dog they said it’ll be fun they said……….. Okay okay, it IS fun - sometimes, I mean definitely not all the time! You know like when it’s windy, rainy, snowy oh and extremely hot when you can’t walk your dog, but your dog doesn’t understand so sulks all day...

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He didn’t put a ring on it!!

As we all know by now he EVENTUALLY put a ring on it and I must admit I love my newly appointed married status that I’ve been rocking now for the last (almost) 6 months. And okay technically I don’t use my legally married name just yet (still finding the time to...

That Summer Vibe

It’s July!! And I am finally feeling it, I am finally feeling, well that summer vibe! It’s been so hit and miss, and to be honest the earliest part of June I still had to put the heating on first thing in the morning! BUT here we are JULY & finally I can say I am...

Married Life

This month I will be celebrating almost 5 months of wedded bliss with Luke. In one way it only seems like yesterday when we said “I do” and in other ways it feels like a lifetime ago! The time has quite simply flown by, and before I know it, we will be celebrating our...

Reflection time

Firstly did I blink and pretty much miss May?! Seriously I know I say this all time (blah, blah, blah!) but HOW fast is this year going!! Okay so now it’s like JUNE and half way through the year, I’ve found myself reflecting on the last 6 months, wondering where...

It’s all about Hunter

“Dogs are not our whole life, but they make our lives whole” Todays post if you haven’t quite guessed is all about my dog Hunter! It’s been a while since I did any kind of pup date, so I thought Why not dedicate a little post to him. Name - Hunter Breed - Hungarian...

Ready for the weekend

FRIDAY! It’s actually Friday, the word Friday is just music to my ears, it’s a beautiful word!! And not only is it Friday it’s another LONG WEEKEND! Oh thank you lord for UK bank holiday’s and to be honest I don’t even know WHY we have bank holidays, but boy am I...

The month of April

Because I like to do a post at the start of a fresh new month (or in this case almost a week late) - here is it - so happy April! I mean it did feel like spring the other week, this week however it’s freezing - what happened? I am a huge fan of the colder months but...

Sister Style

Time for something a little different - I have teamed up with my beaut of a sister to bring you “Sister Style” the brand new vlog where we sit, and chat and discuss everything and anything, but for now are focusing on all things wedding related! The reason behind the...

The month of March

And just like that, it was March, can you even believe it? Spring is just around the corner and I am enjoying the lighter evenings, although it’s been particularly cold lately, warmer weather will soon be on its way. March is like a breath of fresh air and I’m really...

Saturday Appreciation

Hello Saturday, I love you Saturday (and weekends in general to be fair!) The week has been long and the 5am Monday-Wednesday wake up calls are seriously starting to take its toll! So naturally I LIVE for long lazy chilled weekends. And Saturday’s like this one...