
Welcome to LifeStyleLisa

A lifestyle blog from a very normal girl

A pescatarian, an animal lover, a book worm, and someone who simply loves to travel, explore, and discover new places (mostly with my boyfriend Luke)

With a passion for beauty and fashion (both designer and high street) I love finding a good bargain and also love to know what’s “hot right now!”

I am also a self-confessed lover of all things Disney! Including Disney vacations!!

So please come and follow me along on my many adventures and also everyday life!

Enjoy and feel free to subscribe below….it’s FREE!!

With Love

Disclaimer –

**All views and opinions are my own**


“Being happy never goes out of style”


“I haven’t been everywhere, but it’s on my list”


“Eat, sleep, do makeup, repeat”  


“Forget the rules, if you like it, wear it!” 

Food & Drink

“People who love to eat, are always the best people!” 

Wedding Planning

“And so the adventure begins” 

Recent Blog Posts

Florida 2023 Day 2 – Magic Kingdom

Rise and shine for the early start, no one lays in on a Disney vacay, especially on a day a Magic Kingdom day (I’m right aren’t I?) It’s like I always say, if alarms aren’t set, are you even doing Disney! Another very chilly start to the day, I was praying for some...

For the love of long hot summer days

I couldn’t start off this post without saying HAPPY JULY!! And now it’s July (officially summer season right?) Could it be that summer finally has at last arrived here in the UK? I don’t want to jinx it or anything but it’s certainly feeling that the season is once...

The Ber months are coming!

Sitting here this evening snuggled under a thick blanket with a mug of steaming hot tea, it kind of feels like those “Ber” months that I’m such a huge fan of are actually here. And honestly it really does make my heart super happy! Okay hear me out, it’s not like I’m...

Florida 2023 Day 1 – 2 parks in 1 day

Florida Diary Day 1 - Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure Of course the alarm was set for an early 6am on a very very chilly Tuesday morning. Luke & I were heading off to hit 2 parks in 1 day, heading off to Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure....

Florida October 2023 Travel day

Florida Travel Diary 16th October 2023 - Waking up nice and early on a freezing cold October morning could only mean one of two things. Either I was off to work, or I was off on holiday. Thankfully this particular time it was the latter, and I couldn’t wait! Let’s...

The April Recap

“Monday is the day that coffee needs coffee before I do” And so starts another week, another long week, another long and tiring week. Just thinking about it is making me feel tired! But enough with the moaning because this is the start of a new week, and with the...

Iceland Roundup

I was so sad when our time in Iceland had come to an end. It had been the most amazing experience and I think we both really had the best time. We booked this trip the week before Luke & I flew to Florida, it’s something we really wanted to do so just did it, and...

Iceland November 2023 Day Three

I decided that nothing will ever beat that feeling of waking up in the cutest little fairytale wooden cabin after the best nights sleep. I actually miss those wooden beds! Wednesday morning as usual started with my Goldilocks porridge (seriously this girl LOVES her...

Iceland November 2023 – Day Two

I woke up to rain, lots of rain, but sadly no snow! It was just a very wet and very cold Tuesday , not that, that would have ever stopped us from getting out and exploring, however dryer weather always makes it that little bit more tolerable. Anyways the rain actually...

Iceland November 2023 – Day one

Well firstly it was so nice to set the alarm for 8.30am instead of 5 & 6am as I usually do on every Disney trip (although don’t get me wrong I LOVE the early Disney park days) Anyway’s we started our day with a cute little breakfast In the hotel restaurant - I...