Recent Lifestyle Posts

My Weekend Plans

My Weekend Plans

A weekend is like a reset button for your soul - press it, and you’ll find yourself in the happiness of everyday life. Oh weekends, don’t you honestly just love them? Once Thursday comes around I know that I am one step closer to the magic of the weekend, and that...

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A Very Merry Month

A Very Merry Month

Hello, from this autumn/winter/Christmas loving girl! Yes I may be in the minority to all you sun worshippers but I absolutely love the cold weather (although technically I don’t like being cold, which is weird but anyways …..) I do thrive in these colder months, and...

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The December Feel’s

The December Feel’s

Happy December guys! Here we are in the festive season, with the cold weather well and truly settled in. I mean I am an autumn/winter girl but even I have to admit that the morning and evening dog walks are the worst, still dog mum life and all that. It’s been a while...

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October so far

October so far

October is almost over, and to be honest I’m not sure how I feel about it. It is after all one of my favourite months, and I feel like in a blink of an eye it’s sadly almost over. Pumpkin spice everything and horror movie marathons have been a particular highlight. Of...

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It’s time for July

Well happy July to you all! We are creeping closer and closer to Autumn, and I am getting super excited for it! Actually the weather at the beginning of last week gave me pure autumnal vibes, and that’s fine by me! I can’t wait to have my first pumpkin spice frappe of...

Summer Goals

It finally feels like summer, it’s taken it’s sweet time but at last I have ditched the heavy clothing and replaced them with what I like to call “cute outfits” Mainly jumpsuits for work and playsuits for all other occasions. The days ahead are now filled with more...

Celebrating 10 years meat free!!

2023 see’s me celebrating 10 years of 100% living life meat free (go me!) And I say 100% because according to a recent Facebook memory I stopped eating meat (kind of) back in 2010. I say “kind of” because as I recall I would eat the odd McDonald’s burger after a night...

Is it Spring yet?

Well here we are in June! June!!!! Shall I say it again? JUNE!! And to start off the month the weather set me up once again for failure! Yes okay, spring, not my favourite season, I’ve mentioned that on many blog’s before. But I do have justified reasons for this!...

It’s Friday

Happy Friday! (Fri-yay, nearly the weekend day, you’ve made it to the end of the week day) whatever you like to call it, Friday is officially my favourite day of the week! And I do like to congratulate myself on making it through a whole week of work, which because of...

May Day’s

May is the month when Spring is in full bloom, the nights are lighter and the weather (should) be turning warmer. And although the weather isn’t quite giving me those warmer vibes just yet, I’m excited that we’ve headed into this brand new vibrant season. Whilst I...

The Date Day Diaries April – London

A long weekend, lots of chocolate & celebrating a womnderful humans birthday! What’s not to love about the mini Easter break! I was planning on enjoying every second of it, starting with a day trip to London! It’s not every Saturday that I set my alarm for 5am,...

Dog mum life

Get a dog they said it’ll be fun they said……….. Okay okay, it IS fun - sometimes, I mean definitely not all the time! You know like when it’s windy, rainy, snowy oh and extremely hot when you can’t walk your dog, but your dog doesn’t understand so sulks all day...

The April Blog

And here we are, in the month of April, I say it every month BUT honestly April already? Really! I just can’t even believe that we are 4 months into 2023. The year is going by so fast. To be honest all I can think about right now is how it’s just 4 days until the long...

The Date Day Diary’s March – Cambridge

2023 is the year of doing more things with Luke (my husband) visiting different places or even revisiting places that we have been too before. It’s about the two of us doing things together and stepping away from being Hunters “pawrents” for a few hours. So I come up...