The Autumn Playlist

The Autumn Playlist

Here I am just loving this beautiful season so far, and okay it hasn’t been the chilliest of months, much to my disappointment. But the balmy days aren’t too bad, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for crisper weather in the next few weeks. Plus the autumn heat...
Welcoming August – one day at a time

Welcoming August – one day at a time

There is no better feeling than waking up on a Saturday and realising that it is indeed Saturday and you don’t work Saturdays, so there’s no need to get up! Which means you can enjoy a nice long lazy lay in! That was me last Saturday and I enjoyed every second of it....
May Day’s

May Day’s

May is the month when Spring is in full bloom, the nights are lighter and the weather (should) be turning warmer. And although the weather isn’t quite giving me those warmer vibes just yet, I’m excited that we’ve headed into this brand new vibrant season. Whilst I...
The Date Day Diaries April – London

The Date Day Diaries April – London

A long weekend, lots of chocolate & celebrating a womnderful humans birthday! What’s not to love about the mini Easter break! I was planning on enjoying every second of it, starting with a day trip to London! It’s not every Saturday that I set my alarm for 5am,...
February – a good month

February – a good month

It’s Wednesday, hump day, middle of the week day, whatever you call it, it means there’s only 2 working days left until the weekend! And that makes me super happy! With so so much going on right now, lots of planning and organising things. I sometimes forget to just...