by Lifestyle Lisa | Dec 31, 2021 | Life and Adventures
December 31st (WHAT) wait did I blink and miss Christmas altogether? (super, super sad face) Why oh why do the best days of the year quite literally run by at lightening speed? Christmas is undoubtedly, undeniably my favourite time of year, so I’m always a little sad...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Feb 27, 2019 | Life and Adventures
27/02/2019 Hi everyone, and happy Wednesday! I love Wednesday’s! It means the weekend is getting closer and closer, in fact I can almost see it!!!! I love my weekends, especially if I get to spend them with family, be it mine or Luke’s or both, I Simply...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Dec 16, 2018 | Life and Adventures
16/12/2018 I remember that blog post I wrote not too long ago about being prepared for Christmas and wrapping all my presents before The month of December…. well in true Lisa fashion that didn’t happen! And I have lots of presents that still need wrapping...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Oct 7, 2018 | Life and Adventures
07/10/2028 Hi! Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday! I can’t believe another working week flew by as did another weekend and here we are on a Sunday afternoon!! Luke and I actually went on our first date on this day 5 years ago! Forever a beautiful memory for...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Oct 1, 2018 | Life and Adventures
01/10/2018 Hello!! And Happy October ???? Okay apologies I have been a little absent over the last week that is because I have been settling back into my routine after arriving home from Seychelles. It always takes me about a week to get back into the swing of things,...