
Hi everyone, and happy Wednesday! I love Wednesday’s! It means the weekend is getting closer and closer, in fact I can almost see it!!!!

I love my weekends, especially if I get to spend them with family, be it mine or Luke’s or both, I Simply love being in family company.

My life has gone crazy busy (as I know I keep mentioning) what with travelling to New York and Moving into my first house with Luke. We both work full time, so weekends are super precious to us.

At the moment everything we do is house related, so it was so nice to take a step back last weekend (23/02/201) and get some quality family time in.

We started our Saturday off with a princess themed 3rd Birthday party, a party that was fit for such a pretty little princess. There was proscecco on hand for the adults and it was lovely to see some of Luke’s family, even though we all live pretty close, life just gets in the way some times.

After cake, Prosecco and lots of Disney, we headed back to my house to spend time remembering a very very super special man – my pops who was my mums very special dad, but he sadly left us 17 awfully long years ago. Below is one of most favourite photos of my pops, and it has pride of place on my kitchen windowsill.

Remembering Pops is something that we do every single year, (read last years post here ?? https://lifestylelisa.com/2018/02/18/family-time/ ) and something I hope continues for years to come. It’s not a time that we all sit around crying, there is lots of laughter and so much food (have I ever mentioned that my mum is queen of buffets?!) It’s nice to sit with family chatting and a talking about funny old times.

Family IS so important, friends come and go, people leave and people most certainly change, but when it comes down to it your family remain the same, and that’s why I think it’s important to make the effort, you only get one family, and okay you can’t always choose them, but they are always, always there. And I for one think between my family and Luke’s we’ve been pretty lucky, they are a pretty special bunch of people.

Have a great day everyone, no matter what your up too.

You can check out my Sunday in pictures post right here ?? https://lifestylelisa.com/2019/02/25/sunday-in-pictures-the-february-edition/

Thanks for reading lifestylelisa

L xxx