Florida 2023 Day 2 – Magic Kingdom

Florida 2023 Day 2 – Magic Kingdom

Rise and shine for the early start, no one lays in on a Disney vacay, especially on a day a Magic Kingdom day (I’m right aren’t I?) It’s like I always say, if alarms aren’t set, are you even doing Disney! Another very chilly start to the day, I was praying for some...
Florida 2023 Day 1 – 2 parks in 1 day

Florida 2023 Day 1 – 2 parks in 1 day

Florida Diary Day 1 – Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure Of course the alarm was set for an early 6am on a very very chilly Tuesday morning. Luke & I were heading off to hit 2 parks in 1 day, heading off to Universal Studios & Islands of...
Florida October 2023 Travel day

Florida October 2023 Travel day

Florida Travel Diary 16th October 2023 – Waking up nice and early on a freezing cold October morning could only mean one of two things. Either I was off to work, or I was off on holiday. Thankfully this particular time it was the latter, and I couldn’t wait!...
Iceland Roundup

Iceland Roundup

I was so sad when our time in Iceland had come to an end. It had been the most amazing experience and I think we both really had the best time. We booked this trip the week before Luke & I flew to Florida, it’s something we really wanted to do so just did it, and...
Iceland November 2023 Day Three

Iceland November 2023 Day Three

I decided that nothing will ever beat that feeling of waking up in the cutest little fairytale wooden cabin after the best nights sleep. I actually miss those wooden beds! Wednesday morning as usual started with my Goldilocks porridge (seriously this girl LOVES her...
Iceland November 2023 – Day Two

Iceland November 2023 – Day Two

I woke up to rain, lots of rain, but sadly no snow! It was just a very wet and very cold Tuesday , not that, that would have ever stopped us from getting out and exploring, however dryer weather always makes it that little bit more tolerable. Anyways the rain actually...