Florida Diary Day 1 – Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure

Of course the alarm was set for an early 6am on a very very chilly Tuesday morning. Luke & I were heading off to hit 2 parks in 1 day, heading off to Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure. Combining the 2 parks together is something that we have done on every previous trip and honestly it really does work and it is more than doable. I would recommend doing universal first as it’s the park with less rides making it quicker for you to get around. Plus If I’m honest as the moment I find that park pretty bleak and in need of some serious good rides and a makeover!
Leaving our apartment at just gone 7am I was seriously wishing I had packed clothes a little more suited to the chilly October weather, if you don’t know I am the coldest person ever! I mean I was even cold in Australia! Yes I’m THAT girl!
Upon arriving just after 8.30am I was super shocked to see that the parks were BUSY! The busiest I’ve seen them in a long time, we usually always choose a Sunday to visit, but this time round it was a Tuesday, and I thought stupidly it would be pretty quiet (I was wrong) Although epic epic fail on my part – I failed to notice that we had booked our entire Florida trip right in the middle of fall break! Kind of explains everything really doesn’t it!
Still October chilly weather, fall break and two really busy parks were not going to stop us!
Okay so Universal Studios – I used to LOVE that park so much, it used to be amazing now it’s a little outdated there are not too many rides, and there were only two rides that Luke and I wanted to do. And one of them (mummy’s revenge) was down for the day due to technical issues! I think after paying for our day ticket we spent a total of one hour there before heading to Island of Adventure.
Island a of adventure as most of you will know is bigger and better with way more thrill rides. It is definitely the more thrilling park out of the two, and is home to my new favourite coaster – The Velocicoaster. I must admit I wasn’t too bothered about riding it but am so glad I waited the hour and a half in line, because hands down it’s a definite winner! The wait times for most of the big rides were 45 minutes plus, with us waiting in line for hagrids motorbike adventure and velocioaster coming in at over an hour (but worth it)
Leaving the park just after 5am, we headed to typhoon lagoon to pick up Lora and Henry before heading off in search of some dinner. We made a quick stop at the Mall because – I NEEDED to stock up at Bath & Bodywork’s, Luke wanted to grab a sweatshirt (told you it was cold!) then we grabbed a delicious dinner at the cheesecake factory, with the pumpkin pie cheesecake for dessert (Luke and I shared obviously) but it did make me question my skinnylicious main meal, trying to be good, but swayed by the pumpkin!!

Anyways the stats for the day went like this –
Ride count – 8
Step count – 21,345
Miles walked – 9
After a delicious meal it was back to the apartment and time for bed …. alarm was set for 5.45am, because do you even do a Disney holiday if you don’t set an alarm?!
Want to watch the vlog? Then check it out here