Fright Night

Fright Night

31/10/2019 All Hallows’ Eve Oh yes it’s that time of year again, It’s HALLOWEEN ? Happy, happy Halloween! And once upon a time that used to mean only one thing in my calendar – FRIGHT NIGHTS! Lots and lots of Fright Nights! And I used to do as many as I...
Pumpkin Picking

Pumpkin Picking

I did it! I finally got round to ticking off a cute little autumn date with my boyfriend pumpkin picking. If you have read my previous blog post ( ) You will know that I had wanted to do this for a few years...
Happy Halloween

Happy Halloween

31/10/2018Hi everyone, happy hump day Wednesday!! Not only is it Wednesday today (you know, that day of the week when you can start to see the weekend!) BUT it’s also officially my FAVOURITE time of the year (okay apart from Christmas) but it’s my other...
Horror Movie Date!

Horror Movie Date!

12/10/2018 Hi! Happy Friday everyone ! And oh do I LOVE a Friday!! It’s almost the weekend, and almost time to relax!! I am actually off work today as I am London bound in a few hours to meet Luke, we have some errands to run, very exciting (fingers crossed)...
The busy month!

The busy month!

07/10/2028 Hi! Hope everyone is having a lovely Sunday! I can’t believe another working week flew by as did another weekend and here we are on a Sunday afternoon!! Luke and I actually went on our first date on this day 5 years ago! Forever a beautiful memory for...