New York Travel Diary – Day Two

New York Travel Diary – Day Two

12/02/2019 I have woken up to SNOW!! OMG IT’S SNOWING IN NEW YORK! It’s like all of my dreams coming true at once! I really really wanted it to snow whilst I was here, and my wish actually come true! SUPER EXCITED!! SO the stats of the day – well I...
The important things in life

The important things in life

27/02/2019 Hi everyone, and happy Wednesday! I love Wednesday’s! It means the weekend is getting closer and closer, in fact I can almost see it!!!! I love my weekends, especially if I get to spend them with family, be it mine or Luke’s or both, I Simply...
The next chapter begins!

The next chapter begins!

1/02/2019 HAPPY FRIDAY!! You all know just how much I LOVE A FRIDAY!!I cant wait for the weekend to begin!! Seeing as it’s my first post of February let’s start with some exciting news………. On Thursday Luke and I officially become first...
The casual Friday night

The casual Friday night

9/11/2018 FRIDAY, a day I just LOVE, even the sound of the word Fri-Day makes me grin like a Cheshire Cat! After a long long (long long long) week the weekend has honestly never looked so good!! I don’t even have any plans this weekend, but it really...