

You all know just how much I LOVE A FRIDAY!!I cant wait for the weekend to begin!!

Seeing as it’s my first post of February let’s start with some exciting news……….

On Thursday Luke and I officially become first time home owners!! SAY WHAT!!!! It’s CRAZY! And exciting and daunting and nerve wracking, and oh my god SO many different emotions!!

Luke and I have lots to do in preparation for the big move, I still haven’t packed very much, and I am really not organised – seriously not like me at all!!

To be honest it’s still all very surreal! I can’t actually believe it’s happening!

The next week is going to be taken up with moving, and packing and organising our very first house together, oh and actually getting used to LIVING with each other!!

So lifestylelisa is going to take a back seat for the next week, once I’m settled I will blog all about the new house and the move! I literally can’t wait to share it all with some photos!!

In the meantime please do check out all my other posts







thanks for reading


L xxx