Lifestyle Lisa It’s a lifestyle, so be your own label. Thu, 06 Mar 2025 08:52:14 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Lifestyle Lisa 32 32 189296937 My Saturday Thu, 06 Mar 2025 08:52:14 +0000 My chilled out Saturday

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Waking up after a nice lay in is in my opinion one of the most perfect ways to I kick start any weekend. After a long week at work, I love getting into bed on a Friday night and switching off the alarm, that feeling has to be up there right?

With no particular plans today, I decided on a  chilled Saturday focusing on things I enjoy. So come spend a Saturday with me!

Firstly I have to greet my little ginger bear Hunter, he’s always so happy to see Luke and I. He’s a little ray of sunshine and I love it when he wakes up, but I especially love it when he wants cuddles. I have all the time in the world for that. I mean look at that face! He’s too cute!!

So first things first it’s a quick tidy of the kitchen, and dishwasher unload. Anyone else’s husband lay in bed just listening to you do the dishwasher, then come downstairs and try and help when it’s almost done? Or is that just my husband? 

After a quick kitchen tidy and dishwasher unload, it was time for breakfast. And breakfast as standard is porridge, because I am addicted to oats! Monday to Friday I have plain oats but at the weekend I like to go “crazy” and have flavoured oats, always prepared of course with no added sugar almond milk and some frozen berries. Add a cup of tea for me and coffee for Luke both with oat milk and that is one of my favourite breakfasts, satisfying and filling. 

Morning shower done (I love a long hot morning shower) It was time to put my face on, and by face I actually mean my beauty skin care products and not makeup. Since I am now very much in the mindset of very minimal make up where possible, (although ALWAYS lashes and lips) unless of course I am heading on out then we go full on.

My favourite skincare products (at the moment, because no doubt that will change) are The inkey list products. I especially love their retinol and SPF cream. I wear SPF every single day, it’s the biggest must have essential. Admittedly I haven’t always worn SPF, but I now have a sun spot on my face which has been there for a while, but I decided to get it checked out in February 2023 on the advice of my eyebrow tech. Thankfully the doctor confirmed that it was just a sun spot which was a result of both not wearing SPF and the use of sun beds. I have now ditched the sun beds and SPF is part of my daily routine. I finish off my minimal weekend makeup with the wonderskin lip gloss (absolutely obsessed) And then a quick spray of rituals perfume.

As I said earlier, we had no particular plans today, but when you have a super energetic (sometimes) 5 year old dog and the weather is bright and sunny, it was definitely time to head out on a long walk.

Obviously my hair goes up into the standard dog mum bun, knitted headband on (so I don’t get earache) and to complete the must have look I add my muddy dog waking coat and some very very muddy wellies!! oh and let’s not forget some all essential sun glasses – just because! And why not add into that mix a cheesy grin? I mean a normal smile would have been just as efficient.

We spent just over an hour on our walk over the discovery centre, unfortunately Hunter has to stay on a lead, because he has zero recall when needed! Although when we are in training class, typically his recall is spot on! However he still has a good time running around and loves meeting other dogs.

With our walk over it was time to go grab a drink, we settled on a Costa now I am a Starbucks girl, but Costa was on our route home so it made sense to stop and get a coffee frappe with coconut milk. If I’m ordering my go to Starbucks it’s coffee Frappuccino with soya. Oh and I take my own cup everywhere!! Becasue reuse and try and help the planet right? These cups are available from Serene Sage on Etsy (sorry UK delivery only) but go check them out, I love and am pretty obsessed with all of the designs

Walk done, coffee purchased it was time to head home, Hunter was tried and hungry (more so tired) Luke was hungry and I had some video editing to do for my YouTube channel which you can check out here. I made Luke a small healthy lunch with a side of miso soup and small piece of homemade banana oat bread (which I’d love to share the recipe for, but I kind of just make it up as I go along!) I settled for a miso soup as I wasn’t overly hungry and even passed on the banana oat bread (which I confirm was DELICIOUS, because I tried a lot when I was making it!)

Spending a few hours editing my Maldives travel vlogs, and I was definitely having holiday blues! I spend a lot of my free time researching travel destinations and watching travel programmes. I am pretty obsessed when it comes to travel! I also enjoy editing my travel vlogs because it’s a chance to reminisce about my amazing time and all that we got up to.

After spending a few hours editing, time was getting in and I had dinner to prepare. So I am not the best cook, but I love being in the kitchen following recipes and making edible food, because Luke actually does enjoy my cooking – so maybe I’m not that bad after all!!

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Dog mum buns Sat, 15 Feb 2025 13:25:07 +0000 He might be a furry 4 legged little weirdo, but he’s our furry 4 legged little weirdo and we love him so much. – So incase you didn’t guess it, today I am celebrating 5 whole years since Hunter practically bounced into the lives of my husband Luke and I. It’s a day I can […]

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He might be a furry 4 legged little weirdo, but he’s our furry 4 legged little weirdo and we love him so much. –

So incase you didn’t guess it, today I am celebrating 5 whole years since Hunter practically bounced into the lives of my husband Luke and I. It’s a day I can remember like it was yesterday, picking up this tiny little puppy and the stark reality hitting me that we are now responsible for keeping this little puppy alive! ALIVE! Like he was going to be totally dependent on us for the rest of his life! It was a very anxious feeling, but something that Luke and I got into very quickly. If you want to read my previous Hunter posts then click the links below.

So back to celebrating 5 years of being a dog mum to Hunter, well that means 5 years of dog mum bun hair, I mean I live in the Essex countryside, but I look far from country chic on my dog walks! I usually have mud on my coat, I’m always wearing a winter ear warmer headband, I have a coco pups dog walking bag (that’s an essential) I’m always in a pair of hunter wellies (any season). And yes you’ve guessed it my hair is always up in some messy bun! I can’t seem to juggle being a dog mum and looking country chic and cute! Oh and I usually have little ginger hairs all over me (from Hunter)

My house – pre Hunter used to have a show home vibe, now I have throws on the sofa, Hunter toys are scattered in every room, there’s random little treats I find under the sofas, and Hunter has decided that no room now is off limits. Spare bedroom bed – Hunters, our main bedroom bed – Hunters. Hunter pretty much rules our house.

As with all dogs (well most/some dogs) mine can be the best boy and best friend, or he can be an absolute terror! He can be super good and remember all the commands taught at training, or he can completely ignore every single command you say. He’s this absolute ball of energy, and has made outbursts of zoomies.

But then we have the us time, those moments where we just chill and connect, and he snuggles so close to me I can feel his heart beat. It’s then that I’m reminded just how short a time a dog is with us for. I love those little moments where we are content chilling on the sofa, and he is fast asleep then his little tail starts to wag in his sleep, and I know he’s happy, and I know he feels safe and loved.

With life so busy, it’s very easy to get caught up in the whirlwind of everyday things, work, life, shopping and general adult bits that we have to do. But then I see Hunter and all he wants is a cuddle and some attention and it hits me so hard that it brings tears to my eyes. We only have a few precious years with our dogs. In the blink of an eye, their time on Earth is done. We are there for the whole of their life but they only get to share a small part of ours. Hunter brightens up every day, he never judges, he doesn’t care what I look like, he just simply unconditionally loves both me and Luke.

Hunter is the centre of our world and every decision made is carefully made around him. He comes to work with me Monday to Thursday and Fridays he stays home with Luke. He’s never left for more than 4 hours at a time and my parents are the very very best grand(pawrents) (sorry couldn’t resist) that we could ever wish for.

I cherish every moment with Hunter, it’s the purest kind of love.

Happy gotcha day buddy!!!

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Winter Weekends Sat, 25 Jan 2025 17:04:09 +0000 Day 365 of January, or at least that’s how it feels, with Christmas being a distant memory, January is the month that just keeps on going. Anyone else feel like that? As much as I am forever an autumn girl, Winter does come in at second place, as it is a gorgeous season with its […]

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Day 365 of January, or at least that’s how it feels, with Christmas being a distant memory, January is the month that just keeps on going. Anyone else feel like that?

As much as I am forever an autumn girl, Winter does come in at second place, as it is a gorgeous season with its cozy vibes and pleasures. Although the dark, dismal, wet days are my least favourite part of winter. I am all about the crisp, frosty, bright, fresh mornings. And I absolutely adore winter clothing! Boots, jeans, sweaters, cosy jumpers – it’s just perfection all round.

Filling my winter weekend days with getting outside as much as possible on long leisurely dog walks with Hunter, there’s just something about those cold and frosty mornings I mentioned earlier. The feeling of that cold air on your face, the cobwebs glistening with frost, it really can be such a beautiful sight, and not to mention great photo opportunities.

When it comes to winter weekend evenings I love to cook a nice meal with fresh ingredients and a recipe. If you know me, you will know I don’t like anything too complicated, so simple dishes are my go too. Curries, chilli’s I even did Greek vegetarian kebabs last weekend that went down very well. Shutting myself away in the kitchen for an hour whilst doing dinner is a little bit of me time, I like to be left alone, put on some tunes and do my thing.

After dinner it has to be a long hot shower before closing the blinds and shutting out the outside world. Movies, healthy(ish) snacks and winter fragranced candles are a staple winters night necessity (right?) I love being cosy inside when it’s freezing outside.

I like to treat January as the reset month, setting my own personal goals, and putting plans into place. This January is all about decluttering. You know where you juts feel like your house is closing in on you with all the things you have in it and never use! Even my kitchen cupboards were cluttered with various sauces and spices that I’ve never used and have long gone out of date. So Luke and I dedicated the whole of last weekend to decluttering the house. Cupboards, Wardrobes, loft, utility room and any other drawers and storage units we have. It’s amazing how much out of date bits I had, creams that were pretty empty, and various other bits which I haven’t used in years. Although the house is not by any means fully decluttered we have made a solid start.

2025 is definitely my year of getting things done, being as active as possible (especially at weekends) and using utilising my weekends with house bits but also time with Luke & Hunter. I mean that’s the plan at least.

Thanks for reading, don’t for to subscribe (it’s free) and if you like vlogs then catch me on YouTube

I’ll be back soon with another blog.

In the meantime enjoy the weekend.

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New Year, 2025, New opportunities Sun, 12 Jan 2025 19:41:13 +0000 Let me start this post by saying – Happy New Year! And yes of course I know I’m 12 days late but better late than never. So Christmas has long been and gone (or at least it feels that way) and my Christmas didn’t go to plan, as in the plan that I have mapped […]

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Let me start this post by saying – Happy New Year! And yes of course I know I’m 12 days late but better late than never.

So Christmas has long been and gone (or at least it feels that way) and my Christmas didn’t go to plan, as in the plan that I have mapped out for most of the year, seeing as I am girl who adores the festive season. Unfortunately I spent from the 22nd up to new year very poorly! Like honestly the worst I have ever felt in my life! I think it may have been flu which I’ve not had before (and don’t want ever again) but whatever it was it absolutely floored me! I’m actually only just recovered now, but am so just sad that Christmas was one big blur, in the end.

I spent NYE sat at home feeling sorry for myself, with Luke and Hunter as company. So going into 2025 I just really wanted to feel well again.

I didn’t go into 2025 with any huge decelerations or resolutions. I think what I want most from this year is to live it and to be me, not the version of me I think I should be, I just want to be me. And if that means I speak my mind a little too much, or I have no filter, or I always speak the truth, then so be it. As long as I’m not mean, or hurt anyone’s feelings, then being me in 2025 is just fine.

Looking back on 2024 it was a great year. I loved pretty much all of it, and can’t believe travel wise how much Luke and I fitted in! Australia, Shannon Ireland, Maldives & Norway! I mean that’s not bad going in a year.

I can’t wait to start planning travel trips this year, although one things for sure, I won’t be going anywhere until I renew my passport which expires in a few months. £88.50 later and my old passport is in the post and I am waiting patiently for my new blue one to arrive! And in a dear diary moment my new one will be turning up in my married name, so finally after nearly 3 years of marriage I will be a Kendal (on my personal documents) So naturally a holiday should be booked asap right, because it’ll be my first trip as Mrs Kendal!!! I must remember to use that excuse with Luke……

It’s 2025, and I hope it’s a great year all round, a year to live in the moment, and do what you want to do.

Happy new year to you all

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The Halloween weekend Wed, 30 Oct 2024 18:27:55 +0000 Guys – it’s the spooky season, and as most of you know I am a self confessed lover of the spooky season, in fact it may just well be up there with Christmas for me. I love the fact the all horror movies are perfectly acceptable to watch, even the ones that may have had […]

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Guys – it’s the spooky season, and as most of you know I am a self confessed lover of the spooky season, in fact it may just well be up there with Christmas for me. I love the fact the all horror movies are perfectly acceptable to watch, even the ones that may have had their time, and are a little cheesy. But who doesn’t love a little cheesy slasher film during the spooky October month? I also love the fact the shops are stocked with cheap chocolate in the shapes of eyeballs, and jelly sweets that look like worms. Seriously the spooky season is just a vibe!

I’ve always celebrated Halloween, dressing up as a witch when I was a little girl, to thinking more outside the box the older I got. Halloween party’s were super high on my priority list, although it’s now been years since I’ve been to a good fancy dress party – okay that nostalgia has just hit hard! Throw back to Halloween 2013 where I dressed up as a doll!Well whilst there may not have been a good Halloween fancy dress party in years, I still like to embrace all hallows Eve. A selection of horror movies (old and new) and a couple of fright night events, and you’ve got yourself one happy and content girl.

Halloween 2011
Halloween 2013
Halloween 2013

This year I dedicated an entire weekend to spooky shenanigans, because why not right?! Why not go all out and do a whole weekend of spooky things, and have a frightfully good time?

It all kicked off Friday night when it was off to the cinema to watch the original Nightmare on elm street. Super old, super cheesy, and not the slightest bit scary. But it’s an absolute classic in the horror genre and watching it on the big screen was far better than watching it on tv. Yes it was very laughable but honestly I enjoyed it, Luke maybe not so much!! But sometimes Halloween is all about keeping it classic. I decided to wear one of my favourite sweaters for my cinema date night and kept it super casual with a messy bun and a good old pair of jeans.

Saturday night Luke and I headed off to Colchester zoo for their trail of terror. It’s a fright night I have done before back in 2022, and whilst it isn’t scary at all it’s just plan fun and very well organised. I mean I say it isn’t scary, but I am that girl who really doesn’t scare easily so whilst I did hear lots of screaming and saw quite a few people running form different scare zones I just throughly enjoyed the whole experience. And especially loved how all the staff of Colchester zoo really got into there characters.

It’s always difficult to know what to wear on the fright night events especially with this October being so annoyingly mild! Fright nights always work best when it’s cold outside. But nevertheless I planned my outfit accordingly, deciding on jeans, sturdy boots, autumnal jumper (it’s a must right) and a gilet. I also decided on wearing my hair down and adding a hat to finish the outfit off. Okay I did loose the hat and tied my hair up. The hair down and hat combo was definitely giving me more Christmas hallmark channel vibes than fright night vibes.

Sunday night I finished off my spooky weekend by heading off with Luke to the kelvedon hatch secret bunker for there fright night “The bunker below” Again it’s a fright night I have done before and have throughly enjoyed it so was quite excited to be heading to go it again. To be perfectly honest fright nights are a little difficult for me purely because I just don’t scare easily. I mean I’m a girl who puts on a horror movie as background noise, I think I’ve seen so many horror films and done so many fright nights in the past that I’m immune to the jump scares! The bunker below although pretty creepy and jumpy back in 2022, this year unfortunately failed to make me jump at all. I think that was purely down to the group that Luke and I was paired with. They just kind of spoilt it with constant talking and swearing and not committing to the task in hand. Very very frustrating, when you’ve paid money to have some spooky fun. However it won’t put me off of returning next year, and after speaking with one of the organisers from the event, I am pretty confident that next year will be a total blast.

And yes I wore another autumnal sweater, another favourite of mine.

And that’s a wrap on my perfectly spooky weekend, spent with my favourite person.

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Autumn Essentials Wed, 09 Oct 2024 05:36:43 +0000 I love autumn (have I mentioned that before?) It’s always been my favorite season. And it’s really finally here at last! Okay whilst the weather isn’t exactly giving me those cute autumn vibes – think more heavy downpours and floods, when I was hoping for crisp air and crunchy leaves. The sight of leaves falling […]

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I love autumn (have I mentioned that before?) It’s always been my favorite season. And it’s really finally here at last! Okay whilst the weather isn’t exactly giving me those cute autumn vibes – think more heavy downpours and floods, when I was hoping for crisp air and crunchy leaves. The sight of leaves falling and the faint smell of bonfire smoke in the air still gives me the warmest feeling inside and make my heart super happy.

As we enter a new season there are things that just make sense – like the smell of bonfire smoke in the air or freshly brewed coffee with pumpkin spice syrup. The things that just scream that autumn has arrived. And with its arrival I can’t think of anything more enjoyable than to embrace all those cosy comforts. My autumn essentials list is full of the things that I am loving this season. From the hot autumnal drinks, autumn fashion, date days, to skincare. This really is a great time for some self love.

  1. Autumn wardrobe – I think autumn is one of the most fun times of years for outfits – jeans, boots, cosy knit jumpers, blazer, gilets, hats & scarves. And yes I’m here for all of it. I love dressing for this cute season, lots of layers, and some loose curls in your hair for that Hallmark movie look.
  2. Halloween films – Who doesn’t love a good film night during the autumn months? Cosy blankets, popcorn, scented candles and good classics like Halloween are just a must during the autumn season. And after all isn’t the month of October the spooky season?!
  3. Autumn baking – The autumnal season brings out the baker in me, and truth be told I am definitely not the baker in the Kendal household. I leave that to Luke my husband. But there’s just something so “hallmark channel” about putting on my apron and getting all Mary Berry in the kitchen, with some autumn inspired recipes. And whilst mine don’t quite always turn out edible. It’s the trying that counts, at least that’s what I tell myself.
  4. Self care – Getting home from work, having a nice healthy dinner followed by a long hot shower. Before settling down with a cup of Jasmine tea or one of my favourite tea lattes and a good book. Oh and let’s not forget snuggling under a blanket with some scented candles burning, this is the self care routine I just cannot get enough of. I love shutting the blinds and the world away and cosy on down without a single care. Tea lattes are actually an essential for me anytime of the year, but they hit a whole lot different during the autumn months. Check out Teapsy for the cutest range of latte powders.
  5. Cute date days – Going on a cute autumn date with Luke is genuinely one of the most perfect things I can think of doing during the months of October & November. There’s so much going on this time of year, from pumpkin picking to frightnights, even and chilly walk along an empty beach with a cup of hot chocolate warming up your hands. The autumn season has lots to offer when it comes to date ideas. The only thing I struggle with is trying to fit it all in! My go too pumpkin patch by the way is Otto’s Pumpkin Patch I have been visiting for 3 years, it’s just down the road from me and is genuinely my favourite patch I have been too. So if you are in Essex check out Otto’s.
    • Fully embracing the cute autumn months is something I am definitely here for, it’s such a laid back time of year, the quiet before the busy Christmas period hits. It’s nice to get outside and be at one with nature, and the photo opportunity’s during October and November are amazing. So whatever you decide to get up too, don’t forget to just enjoy the most pumpkiny season of all.
Pumpkin Spice latte
Jeans & cute sweater
Date day ideas
Pumpkin patch delights
Autumnal sweet treats
Autumn fun
Cute t shirts

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Autumn Decor Mon, 09 Sep 2024 09:08:56 +0000 The first of the “Ber” months have officially arrived and as you all know by now, they are my favourite months of all. Okay the weather may not be to its full autumnal potential just yet, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be too long until the cool crisp mornings and evenings are here. And […]

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The first of the “Ber” months have officially arrived and as you all know by now, they are my favourite months of all. Okay the weather may not be to its full autumnal potential just yet, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be too long until the cool crisp mornings and evenings are here. And I am pretty excited about those.

Because I am a girl who fully loves to embrace autumn in every way possible. Whether it’s wearing cute autumn sweaters, over indulging on pumpkin spice absolutely everything, or visiting as many pumpkin patches as possible. It’s only fitting that my home matches my autumn vibe! 

Decorating my house for my favourite season is something I’ve been doing now since 2022. I definitely take all my inspiration from the beautifully decorated houses I see all over my socials in pretty American towns. I’m pretty obsessed with all the American decor, so trying to recreate my own version (on a smaller scale) was something I couldn’t wait to try when I became a home owner.

Collecting pumpkins, candles and all autumnal decor is something I actually enjoy doing even more than buying Christmas decor (although that comes in at a close second) And honestly, I think I have a pretty good collection now.

This year I picked the first weekend in September to do both my interior and exterior decor – and yes, I know it’s not “officially autumn just yet” but in my calendar autumn starts at the beginning of September and that’s that. I changed up the outside of the house a few weeks back thanks to my husband Luke who built me my very own wooden porch! And yeas I really did want it with the sole purpose of wrapping garlands around it! It looks super cute and I equally can’t wait to decorate it for Christmas!!!

Getting to work transforming my home into a pretty autumnal haven on a seriously unseasonably hot September Sunday. When I might add I was full of cold (absolutely attractive) It took a good couple of hours to get everything out and placed where I wanted it, and of course there was a lot of moving things around and rearranging them to make sure everything looked as perfect as I wanted.

For now I am pretty happy with my efforts but there’s always room for improvement, but for now I’m pleased with the finished look.

Oh and incase you’re wondering my house honestly smells as amazing as I think it looks!? It’s like autumnal heaven and I am so so here for it.

On a side note – does anyone have any idea where I can get the best pumpkin spice anything and everything from? I usually stock up when I’m in Florida but I have no Florida trip booked this year (which makes me so sad) So please let me know if you’ve spotted any pumpkin spice treats on your uk journey.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my blog today – if you didn’t know I am also on YouTube, so if you haven’t done so already then please check out my channel, and my 2 latest vlogs dedicated to all things autumn.

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365 Days around the sun Sun, 01 Sep 2024 08:21:23 +0000 August is a wonderful month, full of summer sunshine mixed with some summer rain (which is just the norm for the UK) It’s also the month where I celebrate my birthday – or as I like to affectionately call it “Lisa Day” To be honest I am not a huge fan of birthdays (anyone who […]

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August is a wonderful month, full of summer sunshine mixed with some summer rain (which is just the norm for the UK) It’s also the month where I celebrate my birthday – or as I like to affectionately call it “Lisa Day”

To be honest I am not a huge fan of birthdays (anyone who knows me will know that) I mean celebrating getting older? No thank you! However I do realise that getting older is something that some people never get the chance to celebrate, and in that sense I know how incredibly lucky I am to experience life and I am very grateful for that. But on a small selfish personal note – I’m just not a fan of climbing the age ladder.

Celebrating my birthday isn’t all bad though – I mean presents right? And no one loves presents more than me!! And this “Lisa Day” was just full of the nicest gifts, and I felt well and truly spoilt. And it was lovely to spend an evening chilling with my family, before Luke took me off to London on the Saturday (separate blog post pending)

So let’s get down to it, another 365 days around the sun, and what a year it’s been. Since last years birthday I have continued my love of travelling and visited Florida (again) and ticked off of my travel list Iceland, Australia & Shannon Ireland. I’m hoping to visit a few more places before the end of the year (fingers crossed)

Although another year older I’m certainly none the wiser and still manage to walk through life making the same mistakes I promised myself I wouldn’t. And although the mistakes aren’t huge, they are the little things that really annoy me, like letting irrelevant people get under my skin with their irritating ways, sometimes it’s just people’s whole demeanour that I just cannot comprehend. Instead of blocking it out, I let it annoy me, sometimes ignorance is bliss right?

In 365 days I have been on a roller coaster journey with my weight, I hate the way I almost disrespect my own body, but you just can’t help what you feel. I’m just within the last few weeks starting to gain some confidence which I am enjoying, it’s a breath of fresh air to be honest to be able to give myself a break and not be so hard on myself.

Since last years birthday I’ve watched my small business gradually start to grow which I am forever thankful for. It’s tough at times, it’s hard work, but the hard work is starting to pay off. And I’m lucky to have an amazing support system made up of my husband, my mum and my dad – I’d be absolutely lost without them, and the support they give me and my small business, is something I will always be thankful for.

In 365 days I’ve laughed, loved and lived, I’ve made memories, I’ve been on adventures, I’ve slept in late on weekends, I’ve been on long dog walks, I’ve climbed the story bridge in Brisbane, I experienced the worst jet lag ever flying to and from Australia. I got delayed by 3 hours at Shannon airport because of storms, I’ve whale watched in Iceland. I’ve been blessed with some amazing 5* reviews on my Etsy shop, but equally I got a 2*, I’ve had Etsy parcels not arrive to customers. I did 2 new beauty courses and gained 2 new qualifications, I’ve cried at silly things and been super hormonal. I passed my final grade at skate school, I’ve started vlogging more, Hunter’s tested my patience to the max, I’ve not been sure in what direction I’m meant to be heading in. And you know what? All that is fine, its absolutely okay to take the rough with the smooth, to take every day as it comes and to realise that no matter what the situation it’s all part of learning and growing, and finally I think I’m okay with that.

Florida October 2023
Australia February 2024
Iceland November 2023
Australia February 2023
Travel obsessed (Jumper from Serene Sage)
Making memories at Cirque Du Soleil’s Alegria
Iceland November 2023
Florida October 2024

So here’s a cheers to my 365 days around the sun, it’s been a journey and in reflection I’ve loved it, now to start another 365 days.

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Chasing August Sunsets Wed, 07 Aug 2024 04:37:24 +0000 Waking up to sunshine streaming through the window you just can’t help but to smile, the summer season has finally bloomed in full glory and August has arrived. And then I thought about it and my smiled widened slightly – because the BER months are immanent, and I am counting down waiting patiently for their […]

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Waking up to sunshine streaming through the window you just can’t help but to smile, the summer season has finally bloomed in full glory and August has arrived. And then I thought about it and my smiled widened slightly – because the BER months are immanent, and I am counting down waiting patiently for their arrival.

But first it’s time to enjoy the sunshine and everything that August has to offer. Firstly I love this month for the simple fact that – schools are out. And I know that’s weird seeing as a) I’m not a teacher & b) I don’t have children, but as soon as the summer holidays hit the roads are noticeably quieter making my working journey far better but especially Lukes journey who travels to and from London 4 days a week. With far less traffic on the road both of our journeys to and from work are a breeze and Luke gets home far earlier, which I love.

August also for me well and truly represents summer, it is THE summer month, and come rain or shine I wear summer clothes. I love the feeling of the warm sun on my skin, and the need for minimal if not any make up (SPF always of course) I love alfresco dining and sitting outside watching the sun go down. Watching the bee’s do their thing and the butterflies dancing around in the sky. Summer really is a pretty vibe, and even though I’m an autumn girl (please give me a pumpkin someone) I can’t help but to be excited that August is here and summer has finally arrived.

I have a long list of many things I love and enjoy anytime of the year. But you know when you have things that are just so relatable to summer months more than any other season? Well that’s the list I call “Things I love – but especially in Summer” and naturally I’m going to share that list with you.

1) Cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches – sometimes I will substitute this for a bagel. But for the most part it has to be a sandwich without crusts, and I like crusts, but it just makes the sandwich so much more elegant and dainty. Actually my mum used to make me cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches when I was little. We used to call them dolly sandwiches as she would use a cookie cutter to cut them into pretty shapes like hearts and flowers. I miss those dolly sandwiches now.

2) Mr whippy ice creams with sprinkles and a flake in a waffle cone – This is the treat that just hits the spot! And it’s one of my favourite little treats to enjoy whilst waking along the beach on a summers evening.

3) Hummus and veggie sticks – This is a go to for anytime of the year, but just hits so differently during the summer months. Add in some pitta bread and it’s an absolute winner.

4) Iced Jasmine green tea – During the winter months I like hot Jasmine tea but during the summer months letting it cool right down and serving over ice is just the most refreshing drink!

5) Playing country songs loud – I have always been a fan of country tunes, but during the summer months they hit on a whole new level. Driving to new destinations with Luke with some country music playing loud reminds me of being in Florida, and they are happy memories.

6) Wearing cute cute playsuit and summer dresses – Okay technically this is only something I do in summer and on holidays. But I just adore playsuits, they are just the easiest summer essential in my opinion. And is there anything better than a pretty little summer dress teamed with a pair of cute flats. Ahhh summer bliss.

7) Wearing light pretty floral scented perfumes – You all know that I am huge fan of perfumes and tend to stick to heavier oud fragrances during the autumn winter months but when summer hits I love wearing light pretty floral fragrances. I don’t think you can beat a floral perfume during the warm summer season.

8) Summer picnics – Surely this one has to be on a lot of lists? I mean come on what’s better than packing up a picnic hamper with all of your favourite treats and snacks and heading out into the summer sunshine for a picnic?

9) Outdoor cinema’s – Last year Luke took me to an outdoor cinema to watch Top Gun Maverick, and it was such a vibe! We combined that with packing up a picnic, took some chairs and blankets and cosied up under the stars to enjoy a good movie. Perfect right?

Even as an autumn loving girl I don’t intend to wish away any of the final summer month before the season once again begins to change. But how lucky are we to live in a world where we have seasons and all the change that it brings, that makes me me feel very blessed.

The post Chasing August Sunsets appeared first on Lifestyle Lisa.

Florida 2023 Day 2 – Magic Kingdom Tue, 23 Jul 2024 04:40:27 +0000 Rise and shine for the early start, no one lays in on a Disney vacay, especially on a day a Magic Kingdom day (I’m right aren’t I?) It’s like I always say, if alarms aren’t set, are you even doing Disney! Another very chilly start to the day, I was praying for some heat, but […]

The post Florida 2023 Day 2 – Magic Kingdom appeared first on Lifestyle Lisa.

Rise and shine for the early start, no one lays in on a Disney vacay, especially on a day a Magic Kingdom day (I’m right aren’t I?) It’s like I always say, if alarms aren’t set, are you even doing Disney!

Another very chilly start to the day, I was praying for some heat, but not holding out too much expectation, although at least it wasn’t raining! Genie + purchased for 2, and fingers at the ready to grab that virtual line for Tron, we were ready to hit the park!

Okay MK, seriously by far the hardest park to navigate right? It is ALWAYS busy , but seeing as we had landed right in the middle of fall break it was SUPER super busy!

But I have to say in true Lisa & Luke fashion even though it was a particularly busy day, we did pretty well, and I am very impressed with what we got done.

We started off the day the right day with breakfast at Crystal Palace, because that is one of my favourite character dining experiences, in fact I think all of my family love that one. It’s nice to kick start the day with a buffet, some Mickey waffles and a hug from Winnie the Pooh! Ahhh if only every day could start every day like that, I think I’d be a happy girl.

Finishing up our delicious breakfast it was time to head out into the already very busy park! Seeing as we are only here for a short time (1 week! Let’s not forget that) Luke and I discussed beforehand the list of rides we were not going to bother with, because NO ONE has time to queue for Peter Pan’s flight or It’s a small world right? Especially when those wait times were over 100 minutes, I kid you not! It was INSANE, and in my opinion those ride are definitely not worth the wait.

Instead we made a priority list of the rides we definitely had to do – Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean & Jungle cruise.

I have to admit it took me a while to get used to the whole genie + and lightening lane that has replaced my forever favourite fast pass +. Luckily for me Luke got his head around it a lot quicker which I am super grateful for, because if it had been left up to me we wouldn’t have gotten very far.

In between navigating a busy park (even the queue for the toilet was out the door) but anyways in between all of that Luke managed to grab our virtual queue pass for Tron! It was for late afternoon and initially I was worried about it clashing with my time scale for getting that all important viewing spot for Happily Ever After! Luckily for us our group was actually called a lot sooner than I thought, meaning I still had plenty of time to get the good viewing spot.

In case you were wondering Tron was INSANE! like seriously it’s INSANE! It’s a very short ride, and it could definitely do with being longer, but it was brilliant! After our group was called we had an hour wait in the line before riding, which wasn’t too bad, and the hour went pretty fast.

Watching Happily Ever After in the evening was the biggest highlight of the day, it’s my favourite show, I think it’s amazing and the music seriously gets me! I definitely had a little tear in my eye, after all it had been 4 years since I last watched it! And also I have to say it was so nice to live in the moment and actually watch the whole spectacular rather than film it and watch it through my phone (which I am definitely guilty of!)

Oh and In-between everything going on, I still found time to FaceTime my mum (and Hunter) so it was a winner of a day!

It was a long and busy day, and once the day was over I couldn’t wait to head back to the apartment and sleep because of course another early start was just a few hours away.

Side note – Luke & I hadn’t eaten since breakfast, because we were far too busy for food! I mean who has the time to eat on a Disney holiday?

End of day stats

Breakfast at Crystal Palace

Rides 7

Steps 19,999

Miles 9

Holidaying at Disney is a serious workout!

The post Florida 2023 Day 2 – Magic Kingdom appeared first on Lifestyle Lisa.
