by Lifestyle Lisa | Jan 2, 2020 | Life and Adventures
Happy Thursday! And back to reality it is for me. It sucks, let’s be honest, no one wants to head back to the office after the Christmas break, especially when you leave your boyfriend tucked up all cosy in bed because he has EXTRA days off! Definitely not...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Jan 1, 2020 | Life and Adventures
A whole decade has been and gone! WOW! Where did the time go? I mean I know they say that time flys, but actually it’s true, time really does fly by at lightening speed, which is actually pretty scary if you think about it. I started off this decade single and a...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Jan 1, 2020 | Life and Adventures
01/01/2020 And just like that Christmas was over and a brand new year had just began. I can’t believe how quickly Christmas came and went, I can’t believe it’s all over and reality is about to hit full force. Every year the short Christmas break...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Dec 24, 2019 | Life and Adventures
December 24th 2019 There’s magic in the air tonight, it’s finally Christmas Eve! After all that waiting there is just ONE day to go until the big day is here. This December hasn’t been the most festive that I’ve ever felt, but I did find my...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Dec 23, 2019 | Life and Adventures
Thinking about Christmas would always feel me with so much joy and excitement. Present buying, watching Christmas movies and wrapping an endless amount of presents ready to place under the tree. This year however I have struggled to get there, and thinking about...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Dec 16, 2019 | Life and Adventures
16/12/2019 Long, lazy, chilled weekends, I mean really, don’t you just love them? I know I do, and have just returned from my long weekend pre Christmas break on the quiet Norfolk broads with Luke. I had been looking forward to it for a while and couldn’t...