by Lifestyle Lisa | Aug 31, 2021 | Life and Adventures
The last weekend of the year is now over, but what a lovely relaxing long one it was! Complete with several really good lay-ins, and I mean come on, is there anything better than long lazy lay ins! The weather was so traditionally British with the appearance of rain,...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Aug 27, 2021 | Life and Adventures
It’s just gone 6am, it’s Friday, I’m sitting here with my first cup of tea of the day – which always tastes so good! Isn’t the first cup of tea of the day always the best? ANYWAYS I have that Friday feeling today! It’s been a while since I have, but it just...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Aug 6, 2021 | Life and Adventures
I usually like to do a blog post at the start of a new month, however this year I was on my staycation and was too busy writing up travel blogs which you can read here. SO HAPPY AUGUST!! I mean where is the sunshine? It kind of feels more like early September than it...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Jul 22, 2021 | Life and Adventures
Well here we are July 2021, this year seems to be going at lightening speed, but then doesn’t it always? I have so many exciting things to look forward too this year, I have already been to 2 beautiful weddings, I have a trip to Cornwall, my Hen Do and obviously my...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Feb 19, 2021 | Life and Adventures
Today’s topic is one for the girls…… As I am about to get REALLY personal and talk about CERVICAL SCREENING!! Okay well laying it bare this is quite possibly the most TMI personal posts I have written to date, BUT I really did want to share my...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Feb 16, 2021 | Life and Adventures
Being in “Tier 4” and subsequently in yet another lockdown was not how I had hoped 2021 would be kicking off, as I’m sure many of you out there also didn’t foresee! BUT hopefully the rest of the year will pan out a little smoother for us all, and normality or at least...