Saturday Appreciation

Saturday Appreciation

Hello Saturday, I love you Saturday (and weekends in general to be fair!) The week has been long and the 5am Monday-Wednesday wake up calls are seriously starting to take its toll! So naturally I LIVE for long lazy chilled weekends. And Saturday’s like this one...
Sunday, Sunday

Sunday, Sunday

When the alarm goes off at 5.30 on a SUNDAY, it can only be for one thing…. And that is Church. Luke and I have been making regular trips to and from Norfolk to attend the church that we will be getting married in. The service starts usually at 9.30 am hence the early...
Wedding Planning – The engagement party

Wedding Planning – The engagement party

Get engaged, wedding prep and plan an ENGAGEMENT PARTY!!! An engagement party was something that I always wanted to have (even before I actually got engaged) I mean any excuse to party right? With my sister and her fiancé getting engaged 2 months before Luke asked me,...
It’s all about the weekend

It’s all about the weekend

It may have only been a 4 day week, but still I was so pleased to see the weekend. I love arriving home from work on a Friday, getting into some comfy clothes, preparing dinner and eating it in front of the tv whilst watching a movie (or in mine and Lukes case –...
That three day weekend feeling!

That three day weekend feeling!

The last weekend of the year is now over, but what a lovely relaxing long one it was! Complete with several really good lay-ins, and I mean come on, is there anything better than long lazy lay ins! The weather was so traditionally British with the appearance of rain,...