And the list goes on!

And the list goes on!

22/04/2019 Hi!! Happy Easter!! Seriously how nice is the UK weather right now? I have absolutely loved the long weekend, I don’t want it to end!! I feel like I’ve blinked and it’s flown by, and tomorrow it’s back to reality, super super sad...
Ready for the weekend!

Ready for the weekend!

18/04/2019 Hello! And HAPPY THURSDAY! Which today is the #newfriday!! YES the long (very very long) awaited Easter bank holiday weekend is FINALLY here (in like 8 hours) which means I get an amazing very much appreciated 4 days off to spend with Luke!! We...
The Midweek blog

The Midweek blog

06/03/2019 Morning readers Seriously the struggle is real today! MIDWEEK WEDNESDAY, the hardest day of the week! It’s the day where I could seriously fall asleep in my chair at my desk, I feel like I need match sticks to hold my eyes open!! WEEKEND… where...
The important things in life

The important things in life

27/02/2019 Hi everyone, and happy Wednesday! I love Wednesday’s! It means the weekend is getting closer and closer, in fact I can almost see it!!!! I love my weekends, especially if I get to spend them with family, be it mine or Luke’s or both, I Simply...