by Lifestyle Lisa | Apr 22, 2019 | Life and Adventures
22/04/2019 Hi!! Happy Easter!! Seriously how nice is the UK weather right now? I have absolutely loved the long weekend, I don’t want it to end!! I feel like I’ve blinked and it’s flown by, and tomorrow it’s back to reality, super super sad...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Apr 18, 2019 | Life and Adventures
18/04/2019 Hello! And HAPPY THURSDAY! Which today is the #newfriday!! YES the long (very very long) awaited Easter bank holiday weekend is FINALLY here (in like 8 hours) which means I get an amazing very much appreciated 4 days off to spend with Luke!! We...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Mar 31, 2019 | Life and Adventures
31/03/2019 Hi everyone, happy Sunday, and for any mums reading this (especially my mamma) Happy Mother’s Day!! Well we only have one more day of Match left, so it was time to do my Saturday in pictures – the March edition!! Enjoy the read 08.11 am, and I...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Mar 6, 2019 | Life and Adventures
06/03/2019 Morning readers Seriously the struggle is real today! MIDWEEK WEDNESDAY, the hardest day of the week! It’s the day where I could seriously fall asleep in my chair at my desk, I feel like I need match sticks to hold my eyes open!! WEEKEND… where...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Feb 27, 2019 | Life and Adventures
27/02/2019 Hi everyone, and happy Wednesday! I love Wednesday’s! It means the weekend is getting closer and closer, in fact I can almost see it!!!! I love my weekends, especially if I get to spend them with family, be it mine or Luke’s or both, I Simply...