The Date Day Diaries July – Maldon

The Date Day Diaries July – Maldon

This week is long (although yes technically it’s the same length as any other working work) it just seems longer and slower than last week (and that was a struggle) So instead of thinking about how tired I am, let’s throw it back to last Saturday – impromptu...
It’s Friday

It’s Friday

Happy Friday! (Fri-yay, nearly the weekend day, you’ve made it to the end of the week day) whatever you like to call it, Friday is officially my favourite day of the week! And I do like to congratulate myself on making it through a whole week of work, which because of...
48 hours in Norfolk

48 hours in Norfolk

In my opinion there is nothing better than finishing work on a Friday, getting in the car and heading away for a short weekend break. It doesn’t matter where, I just love being away. Last weekend Luke & I packed our bags and headed off to Horning in Norfolk for a...
London is always a good idea.

London is always a good idea.

I’ll firstly start this post by saying I am a good week late getting it written up. So it’s kind of a let’s rewind back to Saturday July 23rd, and my trip to London. I LOVE London, I love the hustle & bustle, the diversity, the quirky vibes & of course the...
Ready for the weekend

Ready for the weekend

FRIDAY! It’s actually Friday, the word Friday is just music to my ears, it’s a beautiful word!! And not only is it Friday it’s another LONG WEEKEND! Oh thank you lord for UK bank holiday’s and to be honest I don’t even know WHY we have bank holidays, but boy am I...