The Blog Spot!

The Blog Spot!

14/07/2018 Hi! Happy Saturday everyone!! And let’s give a little shout out to the fact that it is THE WEEKEND!! I don’t know about the rest of you but so far the weather here in Essex is GORGEOUS!! The sun is still shining. Today I thought I would do a...
The Chilled Weekend

The Chilled Weekend

9/07/2018 Good Morning And happy Monday!! Yes it really is Monday already, another weekend has gone by so quickly! And seriously I can’t even believe we are in JULY! Next month is my birthday and then after that the countdown is on to Seychelles!! Before I even...
Weekend Vibes

Weekend Vibes

19/06/2018 Hi, and Happy Tuesday!! the weekend once again went super quick!! I hope you all had a FAB weekend, and all you dad’s out there had a great Fathers day. I just wanted to do a quick blog of my weekend!! As I mentioned in my last blog Luke and I were in...
That Friday Feeling!

That Friday Feeling!

Happy Friday Readers!! The working week is almost over and the weekend is in sight! Hope everyone has had a great stress free week! It may sound mad but I actually love busy weeks at work, I love the crazy days when you don’t know whether or not your coming or...