The April Recap

The April Recap

“Monday is the day that coffee needs coffee before I do” And so starts another week, another long week, another long and tiring week. Just thinking about it is making me feel tired! But enough with the moaning because this is the start of a new week, and with the...
The Date Day Diaries April – London

The Date Day Diaries April – London

A long weekend, lots of chocolate & celebrating a womnderful humans birthday! What’s not to love about the mini Easter break! I was planning on enjoying every second of it, starting with a day trip to London! It’s not every Saturday that I set my alarm for 5am,...
The April Blog

The April Blog

And here we are, in the month of April, I say it every month BUT honestly April already? Really! I just can’t even believe that we are 4 months into 2023. The year is going by so fast. To be honest all I can think about right now is how it’s just 4 days until the long...
The month of April

The month of April

Because I like to do a post at the start of a fresh new month (or in this case almost a week late) – here is it – so happy April! I mean it did feel like spring the other week, this week however it’s freezing – what happened? I am a huge fan of the...
Hello April

Hello April

3/04/2019 And just like that it was April, I don’t know where the last 3 months have gone, they seem to have flown by at lightening speed! The lighter nights are finally here and every now and then it feels like spring, before it goes back to feeling really...