Social Distancing Day’s 56 – 60

Social Distancing Day’s 56 – 60

Monday – It was a Hunter and me kind of day today, I had originally planned on course work, but decided that could wait and I would instead spend my time with Hunter out in the sunshine, watching him chase butterflies and bugs and birds. I don’t I’ll ever got...
Binge worthy series

Binge worthy series

I think it’s safe to assume that many of us have been going a little binge crazy on Netflix and amazon lately. I know I am always on the search for the next “binge worthy” series where I can watch one after the other, after the other! Some I don’t make it past the...
Would You Rather

Would You Rather

Hello everyone! And happy Monday Today I thought I’d throw in a little Would You Rather post. I saw this originally on Pinterest and thought it had some really good questions! Luke and I sometimes play this whilst we’re eating dinner, or travelling in the car to pass...
Social Distancing Days 51-55

Social Distancing Days 51-55

I have to say 2020 is definitely the year the world went mad! I mean coronavirus IS one thing, but now riots going on all over, everyone is back to being disrespectful to one and other, and I have literally just read in the news of a shooting in Harlow (Essex UK)...
Positive Vibes

Positive Vibes

Hi! And of course HAPPY SUNDAY!! I mean it is Sunday right! Today I thought why not throw in a short positivity post (don’t worry I’m definitely not about to get all preachy on you I promise) I actually originally wrote a positive vibes post back in January of this...
Time to re-evaluate

Time to re-evaluate

If lockdown has taught me anything it’s taught me to re-evaluate things. I’m so used to being a serial planner that if things don’t go to that plan it’s major turmoil for me, I definitely have been known to make a mountain out of a molehill. But all plans, every...