The Busy Month

The Busy Month

Yes it’s been forever and a day since my last post (well almost 4 weeks to be exact) but honestly life has just been so crazy busy that I haven’t had time to sit down, chill and write a new post. Not to mention the fact the my animal crossing on DS hasn’t been played...
The November Feels

The November Feels

Happy November! I mean seriously November already! How? September and October flew by so fast and now we are officially on the countdown to CHRISTMAS!!!!! Oh and my honeymoon which is fast approaching with only 30 days to go!! And yes I am also now on official...
November Feels

November Feels

6am on a Friday morning and I’m thinking just how much I love the first cup of tea of the day. It’s like a little cup of heaven, and I enjoy those little peaceful minutes by myself before the day starts. It’s a time where I can just sit and reflect and think and...