Yes it’s been forever and a day since my last post (well almost 4 weeks to be exact) but honestly life has just been so crazy busy that I haven’t had time to sit down, chill and write a new post. Not to mention the fact the my animal crossing on DS hasn’t been played since the beginning of November – I hate to think what my islands going to look like when I do finally switch back on! The problems are real!

Anyways as I always mention in these posts where I go on (and on) about how busy I have been (blah, blah, blah) most of you now know that I do of course love being busy! I love a packed diary, I love my weekends when I have something to do, and this autumn has not disappointed me one bit. I’ve been pretty lucky with the amount of things I’ve managed to pack in, during my favourite season.

But right now for me it’s all about the honeymoon, which is in THREE days! There is A LOT to do before I leave on the 2nd of December! Firstly I would love to have all presents bought & wrapped to elevate the stress when I get home. Because once I land back in the freezing UK I only have 9 days before Christmas Day (and yes I am excited!)

There is an update on this because- Christmas shopping is DONE, COMPLETED, TICK THAT BOX!!!! It’s a great feeling knowing that all gifts are now bought! AND I have wrapped, I mean not everything is wrapped but I have wrapped just under half, which isn’t bad going.

Naturally I can’t wait to be honeymoon bound with Luke, but it’s definitely weird to be leaving just as the festive season starts. I am a girl who LOVES Christmas and as soon as December arrives I am all for the collection of Christmas jumpers I have! And then there’s Hunter. I’ve already cried maybe 4 times over the fact that I am leaving him for like 10(ish) days. And yet I KNOW he is going to be fine! He’s staying with my parents and my dad is even going to house sit my house so Hunter will be at home for part of the time that I’m away. Still I really am going to miss him, his face and his big cuddles. I’ll secretly be excited to be boarding those planes and coming home to see him.