I’m going to FLORIDA!

I’m going to FLORIDA!

UPDATE **BLOG POST IS A DAY LATE GOING UP! I AM NOW IN FLORIDA** Hello and Happy Wednesday! NO SERIOUSLY it IS a REALLY happy Wednesday! And let me tell you why (although yes the title literally does say it all) So here I am on this sunny Wednesday morning at Gatwick...
Great ways to start your day

Great ways to start your day

5/09/2019 Hi! And a very happy September to everyone. Of course as you may well know September is the beginning of my most favourite season of all, Autumn. Beautiful beautiful autumn.? Although as beautiful as it is, Autumn does come with a few draw backs, such as...
Pet Peeves

Pet Peeves

1/06/2019 Hi everyone on this bright and sunny and hopefully warm Saturday morning! I really don’t know where the week has gone, but I am very happy it’s Saturday!! AND the fact it’s the first of June today!! SUMMER!! So today’s post is kind of...