Hey August

Hey August

I usually like to do a blog post at the start of a new month, however this year I was on my staycation and was too busy writing up travel blogs which you can read here. SO HAPPY AUGUST!! I mean where is the sunshine? It kind of feels more like early September than it...
The Year so far

The Year so far

Well here we are July 2021, this year seems to be going at lightening speed, but then doesn’t it always? I have so many exciting things to look forward too this year, I have already been to 2 beautiful weddings, I have a trip to Cornwall, my Hen Do and obviously my...
Saying YES to the dress

Saying YES to the dress

Wedding prep is officially taking over my already busy life, but as a serial planner I’m really not complaining! In fact I am having the best time organising my dream wedding, although stressful at times, it’s mostly pretty good, and hopefully can only get better with...
Lifestyle Lisa

Lifestyle Lisa

Lifestyle Lisa has been one of my proud achievements, a little brand that I started one cold evening in January 2017. It started off as Little Miss Keeping It Real with very few subscribers, but slowly overtime momentum picked up and I started to grow! I changed my...
7 Years!!!!

7 Years!!!!

Happy Friday everyone, it’s almost the weekend, and for us here in the UK, it’s a nice 3 day weekend, and who doesn’t enjoy a nice long weekend right!! The late August bank holiday is always special to me as it’s when I first met Luke, on the...