by Lifestyle Lisa | Aug 6, 2021 | Life and Adventures
I usually like to do a blog post at the start of a new month, however this year I was on my staycation and was too busy writing up travel blogs which you can read here. SO HAPPY AUGUST!! I mean where is the sunshine? It kind of feels more like early September than it...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Jul 22, 2021 | Life and Adventures
Well here we are July 2021, this year seems to be going at lightening speed, but then doesn’t it always? I have so many exciting things to look forward too this year, I have already been to 2 beautiful weddings, I have a trip to Cornwall, my Hen Do and obviously my...
by Lifestyle Lisa | May 12, 2021 | Wedding Talk
Wedding prep is officially taking over my already busy life, but as a serial planner I’m really not complaining! In fact I am having the best time organising my dream wedding, although stressful at times, it’s mostly pretty good, and hopefully can only get better with...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Oct 22, 2020 | Life and Adventures
Lifestyle Lisa has been one of my proud achievements, a little brand that I started one cold evening in January 2017. It started off as Little Miss Keeping It Real with very few subscribers, but slowly overtime momentum picked up and I started to grow! I changed my...
by Lifestyle Lisa | Aug 28, 2020 | Life and Adventures
Happy Friday everyone, it’s almost the weekend, and for us here in the UK, it’s a nice 3 day weekend, and who doesn’t enjoy a nice long weekend right!! The late August bank holiday is always special to me as it’s when I first met Luke, on the...