Through the Decade!

Through the Decade!

A whole decade has been and gone! WOW! Where did the time go? I mean I know they say that time flys, but actually it’s true, time really does fly by at lightening speed, which is actually pretty scary if you think about it. I started off this decade single and a...
Happy New Year, Happy New Me

Happy New Year, Happy New Me

01/01/2020 And just like that Christmas was over and a brand new year had just began. I can’t believe how quickly Christmas came and went, I can’t believe it’s all over and reality is about to hit full force. Every year the short Christmas break...
My 2019 List

My 2019 List

16/01/2019 Does anyone else feel like January is just flying by? I can’t believe Christmas was less then a month ago, it seems like ages ago since we were all celebrating the festive season. Is it really too soon to start counting down to Christmas 2019?! Seeing...