The Ber months are coming!

The Ber months are coming!

Sitting here this evening snuggled under a thick blanket with a mug of steaming hot tea, it kind of feels like those “Ber” months that I’m such a huge fan of are actually here. And honestly it really does make my heart super happy! Okay hear me out, it’s not like I’m...
October so far

October so far

October is almost over, and to be honest I’m not sure how I feel about it. It is after all one of my favourite months, and I feel like in a blink of an eye it’s sadly almost over. Pumpkin spice everything and horror movie marathons have been a particular highlight. Of...
The Autumn Playlist

The Autumn Playlist

Here I am just loving this beautiful season so far, and okay it hasn’t been the chilliest of months, much to my disappointment. But the balmy days aren’t too bad, and I am keeping my fingers crossed for crisper weather in the next few weeks. Plus the autumn heat...
Sweet September Day’s

Sweet September Day’s

Let me start this blog by saying that I am gleefully jumping up and down with uncontrollable excitement because not only is today Friday, but it’s also (dramatic pause for effect) ……… SEPTEMBER! At last, it’s the start of the beautiful autumnal season, I mean I don’t...
The November Feels

The November Feels

Happy November! I mean seriously November already! How? September and October flew by so fast and now we are officially on the countdown to CHRISTMAS!!!!! Oh and my honeymoon which is fast approaching with only 30 days to go!! And yes I am also now on official...