My Favourite Disney Purchases (The best and unique buy's)

My Favourite Disney Purchases (The best and unique buy’s)

It seems every time I think I am done with my Disney posts I find something else to blog about! There really is SO much to cover when it comes to Walt Disney World!! So this post is dedicated to Disney purchases! All thanks to a conversation I was having just the...
Disney Memory Maker-Is it worth the money?

Disney Memory Maker-Is it worth the money?

I know, I know I said I wouldn’t be doing any more posts on Disney because sadly I am not heading back there this year (2018), and instead will be having a more relaxing chilled holiday in Seychelles. BUT I have decided to do one final Disney post regarding the...
It’s YOUR Disney vacation

It’s YOUR Disney vacation

I am now at the very end of my amazing 2017 Florida vacation and Walt Disney world blogs. What an amazing packed 2 weeks it was. We were busy from day one and I think we did everything we wanted in those 2weeks. By the end of our trip we had done 5 character dinning...
Our final day at Magic Kingdon

Our final day at Magic Kingdon

Waking up on the last day of any holiday is always a sad moment but it’s even sadder when it’s the final day of you Walt Disney World holiday! First and last days of any of my Disney holidays are always spent at Magic Kingdom, it’s tradition after...