Chocolate Oat Bites

Chocolate Oat Bites

Happy Thursday – Time for a food post!! YES I’m back with another food related post, because I love food, love experimenting and love sharing recipes that I find on Instagram and Pinterest! This is actually quite an exciting food post because this is my OWN...
That Autumn Feeling

That Autumn Feeling

The weather today has got me feeling very Autumnal! I don’t know about anyone else but I am MORE than ready to say hello to Autumn! It’s no secret that this is my most favourite season of them all, and I can’t wait for its arrival!! Summer has been lovely and I have...
Smoky Chickpea Salad

Smoky Chickpea Salad

Hello on this wet and chilly Tuesday afternoon. We have been spoilt with sunshine recently and I have been enjoying every second of it, but the last few days have been unbearably stuffy, so the storms and rain are a welcome change! With the weather being as warm as it...
Staycation – Cornwall Day 6

Staycation – Cornwall Day 6

Day 6 Today I was Newquay bound, and even though once again the rain had returned I really didn’t care as I was too excited to head to the place of surf!! Newquay was a 50 minute drive from our holiday home but surely you cannot come all the way to Cornwall and NOT go...
It’s August

It’s August

Happy August everyone, I can’t quite believe that we are now 8 months into this crazy year, but here we are!! I always try to do a new blog post at the start of a new month, but especially for the month of August because it’s my birthday month. This birthday I can’t...