Florida 2023 Day 1 – 2 parks in 1 day

Florida 2023 Day 1 – 2 parks in 1 day

Florida Diary Day 1 – Universal Studios & Islands of Adventure Of course the alarm was set for an early 6am on a very very chilly Tuesday morning. Luke & I were heading off to hit 2 parks in 1 day, heading off to Universal Studios & Islands of...
Florida October 2023 Travel day

Florida October 2023 Travel day

Florida Travel Diary 16th October 2023 – Waking up nice and early on a freezing cold October morning could only mean one of two things. Either I was off to work, or I was off on holiday. Thankfully this particular time it was the latter, and I couldn’t wait!...
The April Recap

The April Recap

“Monday is the day that coffee needs coffee before I do” And so starts another week, another long week, another long and tiring week. Just thinking about it is making me feel tired! But enough with the moaning because this is the start of a new week, and with the...
Iceland Roundup

Iceland Roundup

I was so sad when our time in Iceland had come to an end. It had been the most amazing experience and I think we both really had the best time. We booked this trip the week before Luke & I flew to Florida, it’s something we really wanted to do so just did it, and...
Iceland November 2023 Day Three

Iceland November 2023 Day Three

I decided that nothing will ever beat that feeling of waking up in the cutest little fairytale wooden cabin after the best nights sleep. I actually miss those wooden beds! Wednesday morning as usual started with my Goldilocks porridge (seriously this girl LOVES her...