A short little round up of last weeks events!

Monday – Seeing as I’m now in the final month off before I head back to work in July I’m trying not to waste a single moment of it! I’ve got lots to do, including a big house tidy and move around, get the garden looking nicer, spending time with Luke and Hunter and seeing my family (socially distancing of course) Monday was a lovely warm day, it was a sit in the garden and get a tan kind of day!! I spent my time with Hunter and looking for new Pinterest recipe ideas! I actually found another one for cookie dough so of course I had to try it out straight away despite the heat! Read the full blog post and recipe here. In the evening I chilled out and watched GREASE LIVE! OMG HOW have I never seen this before!!!!! It was soooo good although it really made me miss performing!

Tuesday – Was hair wash and face mask day! I love a weekly facemask, but I am REALLY suffering with dry skin under my eyes which has made my eye area age by like 50 years! I have tried EVERYTHING, and all the lotions and potions only see to do the job for that time only! I can’t even wear too much makeup at the moment because it doesn’t blend underneath my eye. However I do have an olive complexion that looks better once it’s had some sun so I don’t need makeup (except lashes) right now. Tuesday was another experimental day for me as I made my very own hummus! Quick, easy, delicious and healthy! Thank you Pinterest for another great idea!!. Read my post here. Obviously Tuesday nights are virtual family quiz nights, and guess what I STILL didn’t WIN! I didn’t come last I come 3rd so it’s an improvement, but PLEASE let me get first place one time!!

Wednesday – It was a pretty chilly day in Essex! I wore jeans for the first time in ages!! It was a good day though as I got to spend time with my sister and her boyfriend! Okay YES we did get pretty chilly sitting outside but it was good to see them both for a while and have a catch up. I made some delicious veggie kebab bowls for dinner (and added on top homemade hummus) they were delicious! And pretty healthy too!! Because I had such a good day with my sister, her boyfriend and Luke I really wanted to finish the day off by watching a light hearted movie – So I settled on Rock of Ages! WHAT A FILM! My sister and I saw this at the cinema when it first came out and then were lucky enough to see the stage show twice. I mean I’m definitely a fan, I even have the soundtrack!! If you haven’t seen it, give it a watch!!

Thursday – Any day that I get to spend any amount of time with my family is a good day! And even though it was only a short time I just LOVE seeing them! The weather was still pretty cold and it also decided to rain! And I’m all for rain when you don’t have a hyperactive crazy Vizsla who HAS to go out come rain or shine!! With the skies so dark and grey I just wanted to stay inside my nice and cosy house!

Friday – It was just one of those days and it wasn’t going well for me! My lifestylelisa site has been experiencing teething issues for a few weeks now since I went self hosted, and today I just got annoyed and really wanted to hit the DELETE button on the whole blog! Absolutely aware that right now this sounds dramatic (which it is) so I refrained and I’m still here, although lifestylelisa is still having issues! It was another chilly day, Hunter has been acting very oddly all day, crying as soon as I move away from him, virtually sitting on me at times, scared of everything on the walk and crying at anything random! Very strange behaviour for him. He seemed to perk up later on in the evening, which was a relief as Luke and I were worried! Chilly day and Hunters weird behaviour aside, I also had “one of those days” I TRY I really do try not to let lockdown drain me but today it did! I need my brows doing so bad, I need a hair appointment, a nail appointment, but that’s not the worst of it! It’s this rash “thing” under my eye that WILL NOT GO! And therefore my makeup WILL NOT sit on my face properly! My eyes have aged significantly by 80 years (or at least that’s how it feels!) I think to be honest (and it’s shameful to admit) that I spent most of Friday feeling sorry for myself, and the other half of my day making healthy cookie dough and protein balls! I guess you just have to take the rough with the smooth!