Another day another post by me!!
Seeing as I had such a good response from my last Honest hour post (read it here) I thought it would be fun to do another!!
I particularly LOVE these posts as I think it allows you guys to get to know me a whole lot better!!
So here we go, The Horst Hour part 2!
- Am I in love?- The answer is of course yes I am in love! I consider Luke to be my first and only love.
- Who was the last person I spoke with on the phone- Is it really any surprise when I say Luke! We had a little chat whilst we were both driving to work (on hands free of course)
- How many piercings do I have- I have FIVE piercings!
- Who was the last person I said “I love you” too- Yes it’s obvious but Luke surprise surprise was the last person I said I love you too. However I think saying I love to those closest is so important, I say it to my mum, dad, nan, sister, cousin, it’s important for them to know I love them. And coming from a close loving family that’s how I’ve been brought up.
- The last time I felt jealous- I’m NOT as a rule a jealous person, but I’m only human and sometimes I do have little pangs of jealousy. So the last time I felt jealous was when I spoke to someone on Friday and they told me they were off to Disney World in a few weeks time, I really want to go!!!
- Do I have any siblings- I have a pretty sister, I’d say we were close but we have our moments!
- Am I insecure- YES! Very very insecure! I’m insecure about my weight, my hair, sometimes even the way I look!!
- Do I forgive betrayal- I never forgive betrayal and also never forget it. I may learn to accept it, but it’s always there in the back of my mind.
- My favourite animal- Favourite animal is tough because I have a few! I just love animals!! When I was 12 I was mad about big cats, tigers especially! I adore elephants and sloth’s BUT the animal that wins my favourite award is……. The beluga whale. I love them, they are intelligent, majestic and absolutely fascinate me.
- Something I feel strongly about- Sea world! And how barbaric it is. I cannot stand seeing animals being mistreated or being kept in inhuman condition’s in captivity. I feel strongly about bull fighting and how awful it is. And I HATE seeing people’s holiday snaps of them in exotic countries posing with a frightened wild animal of some description!!
- Is cheating ever okay- NO! Cheating really is NEVER okay, be honest, and say to whoever your with “this isn’t working, I don’t want to be with you anymore” bloody own it, and don’t sneak around with someone else hoping you don’t get caught!!
- The book I am currently reading- I love reading, it has to be a book NEVER a kindle, I am a little bit of a book worm, and love choosing something new to read from the book store. I am currently reading I let you go by Clare Mackintosh. I’m only on chapter 6 so I can’t really tell you much, but so far it’s pretty good!
- A quote I would like to try and live by– I wish I could live by this quite, but I seem to fail quite miserably- it’s from the Disney film Cinderella and the quote is “Have courage and be kind” sometimes I lack the courage and sometimes I forget to be kind. NOT I’m hasty too add am I ever horrible, but my patience wears a little thin sometimes and perhaps it shouldn’t.
- Things I dislike about myself– the fact that I am only 5ft, I have big thighs and hips, I don’t think my hair ever looks that nice, and I have skinny wrists!!
- Something I am excited for- Obviously I’m very excited about my future with Luke, but that was probably too obvious. So I am excited for my BIRTHDAY next month!! I LOVE presents!!!! I also am looking forward to Seychelles AND autumn and HALLOWEEN!!! Just saying!
Another post done!! Hope you enjoy reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it!!!!
- Please leave me a comment below and say hi, or ask me a question!!
- You can also email me direct at [email protected]
Thanks for reading
L xxx
Ya’ll are such a cute couple!!