Florida October 2023 Travel day

Florida October 2023 Travel day

Florida Travel Diary 16th October 2023 – Waking up nice and early on a freezing cold October morning could only mean one of two things. Either I was off to work, or I was off on holiday. Thankfully this particular time it was the latter, and I couldn’t wait!...
Iceland November 2023 Day Three

Iceland November 2023 Day Three

I decided that nothing will ever beat that feeling of waking up in the cutest little fairytale wooden cabin after the best nights sleep. I actually miss those wooden beds! Wednesday morning as usual started with my Goldilocks porridge (seriously this girl LOVES her...
Iceland November 2023 – Day Two

Iceland November 2023 – Day Two

I woke up to rain, lots of rain, but sadly no snow! It was just a very wet and very cold Tuesday , not that, that would have ever stopped us from getting out and exploring, however dryer weather always makes it that little bit more tolerable. Anyways the rain actually...
Iceland November 2023 – Day one

Iceland November 2023 – Day one

Well firstly it was so nice to set the alarm for 8.30am instead of 5 & 6am as I usually do on every Disney trip (although don’t get me wrong I LOVE the early Disney park days) Anyway’s we started our day with a cute little breakfast In the hotel restaurant –...
Australia you were amazing

Australia you were amazing

And just like that, our incredible time in Australia had come to an end. The trip had been short but amazing and the journey to get there was long, but absolutely so worth it. And yes we will definitely be returning in the not so distant future. We booked our trip on...