Rise and shine for the early start, no one lays in on a Disney vacay, especially on a day a Magic Kingdom day (I’m right aren’t I?) It’s like I always say, if alarms aren’t set, are you even doing Disney!

Another very chilly start to the day, I was praying for some heat, but not holding out too much expectation, although at least it wasn’t raining! Genie + purchased for 2, and fingers at the ready to grab that virtual line for Tron, we were ready to hit the park!

Okay MK, seriously by far the hardest park to navigate right? It is ALWAYS busy , but seeing as we had landed right in the middle of fall break it was SUPER super busy!

But I have to say in true Lisa & Luke fashion even though it was a particularly busy day, we did pretty well, and I am very impressed with what we got done.

We started off the day the right day with breakfast at Crystal Palace, because that is one of my favourite character dining experiences, in fact I think all of my family love that one. It’s nice to kick start the day with a buffet, some Mickey waffles and a hug from Winnie the Pooh! Ahhh if only every day could start every day like that, I think I’d be a happy girl.

Finishing up our delicious breakfast it was time to head out into the already very busy park! Seeing as we are only here for a short time (1 week! Let’s not forget that) Luke and I discussed beforehand the list of rides we were not going to bother with, because NO ONE has time to queue for Peter Pan’s flight or It’s a small world right? Especially when those wait times were over 100 minutes, I kid you not! It was INSANE, and in my opinion those ride are definitely not worth the wait.

Instead we made a priority list of the rides we definitely had to do – Space Mountain, Thunder Mountain, Haunted Mansion, Pirates of the Caribbean & Jungle cruise.

I have to admit it took me a while to get used to the whole genie + and lightening lane that has replaced my forever favourite fast pass +. Luckily for me Luke got his head around it a lot quicker which I am super grateful for, because if it had been left up to me we wouldn’t have gotten very far.

In between navigating a busy park (even the queue for the toilet was out the door) but anyways in between all of that Luke managed to grab our virtual queue pass for Tron! It was for late afternoon and initially I was worried about it clashing with my time scale for getting that all important viewing spot for Happily Ever After! Luckily for us our group was actually called a lot sooner than I thought, meaning I still had plenty of time to get the good viewing spot.

In case you were wondering Tron was INSANE! like seriously it’s INSANE! It’s a very short ride, and it could definitely do with being longer, but it was brilliant! After our group was called we had an hour wait in the line before riding, which wasn’t too bad, and the hour went pretty fast.

Watching Happily Ever After in the evening was the biggest highlight of the day, it’s my favourite show, I think it’s amazing and the music seriously gets me! I definitely had a little tear in my eye, after all it had been 4 years since I last watched it! And also I have to say it was so nice to live in the moment and actually watch the whole spectacular rather than film it and watch it through my phone (which I am definitely guilty of!)

Oh and In-between everything going on, I still found time to FaceTime my mum (and Hunter) so it was a winner of a day!

It was a long and busy day, and once the day was over I couldn’t wait to head back to the apartment and sleep because of course another early start was just a few hours away.

Side note – Luke & I hadn’t eaten since breakfast, because we were far too busy for food! I mean who has the time to eat on a Disney holiday?

End of day stats

Breakfast at Crystal Palace

Rides 7

Steps 19,999

Miles 9

Holidaying at Disney is a serious workout!