Happy Tuesday everyone! Albeit a chilly and rainy Tuesday here in Essex! The weather has been hit & miss for a few days now seeing as early on last week we were blessed with amazing hot weather that was too good not to be sat out in!
I have now after 3 months ended my social lockdown blog posts, because here in the UK lockdown has pretty much been lifted. Shops are open, restaurants, pubs and hair dressers are opening, beaches are packed, the 2 metre rule has been scrapped to a metre (which people STILL ignore) I mean it literally is like Covid-What here, like it never really existed!
I am pleased the world is slowly starting to spin again, but I must admit I am super anxious about the “new normal” .
I can’t believe it’s been over 3 months since we were put on lockdown, I remember leaving work on Friday 20th of March thinking I’d be back there in 2-4 weeks time. I remember driving home anxious to get into the safety of my own home and have Luke and Hunter with me. I remember getting our Tesco supermarket delivery that Friday evening like we used to every Friday and opening the door to the delivery driver in her mask and gloves and she apologetically asked me if I was “self isolating” explaining that it was the new protocol they had to follow asking each house they delivered too, which I fully understood. I remember after the delivery shutting my front door and getting tearful, because I felt scared, half expecting to wake up to a scene from either Outbreak or The walking dead, tearful because I knew I wouldn’t be seeing my family anytime soon and scared about how the world was going to change.
It’s been a turbulent 3 months to say the least, with many highs and many lows, missing my family has been the biggest low point, not being able to see them properly or give them a big hug, the days blurring into one at times has been another low point, everyday starting to look the same! There have been highs too of course, spending so much time Hunter watching him grow and develop into a loving 6 month old has been AMAZING, I call it “pupternity” because when else would you be lucky enough to spend so much time with your new pup! Having Luke at home with us everyday for the past 3 months has also been a major high, he’s the head of our little family, and is extremely hard working. Luke works in London, leaving early in the mornings and getting home late at night and we miss him so much (especially me) so having him here at home even though he’s shut away in his office working, has been lovely.
The world starting to spin again and the “new normal” coming into place is absolutely great for the economy, but anxious is the word I would use to summarise how I’m feeling about it.
There is no vaccine so it’s like now we have to get on with life, deal with it and hope for the best. It will be a very very long time before I step out into the high street for a shopping trip. I can’t imagine me heading into London, or a restaurant anytime soon, and as for heading to the beach with thousands of others…. no thank you! It’s like a second spike just waiting to happen!
Adjusting to the new normal one day at a time is my next priority, navigating through this, living as normal a life as possible whilst being cautious and safe. It may take some time but I’ll get there eventually.

Great post ?
Thank you 🙂
Oh weird my emoji didn’t go through. I loved your post!
Thank you ?
Lovely post…. Immediately connects with me
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