Happy Easter!! Seriously how nice is the UK weather right now? I have absolutely loved the long weekend, I don’t want it to end!! I feel like I’ve blinked and it’s flown by, and tomorrow it’s back to reality, super super sad face!
Of course this is the first of many long weekends Luke and I will get to spend in our house. Yesterday I put a chana masala in the slow cooker for dinner and we exchanged easter gifts. Today I’m wondering what to do for the rest of the sunny day!!
Feeling reflective this morning I had a little read of my post “Things I would like to achieve in 2019” which if you haven’t done so already you can read here ?? https://lifestylelisa.com/2019/01/16/my-2019-list/
We may only be in April but I think I am making pretty good progress ticking things off one by one!
I’ve moved in with Luke?? I visited a place on my travel destination list which was New York?? I’m going on Holiday in September to Florida?? I’ve seen 3 Westend/Broadway productions – Chicago, Book of Mormon, and The Woman in Black?? AND I am climbing Scarfell Park in few weeks time, although I’m not sure that counts as I did say Ben Nevis, still a mountain is a mountain!
There are still quite a few things left on the list that I am still to tick off (fingers crossed I will!) but there is also a couple of things I wanted to add.
This year I decided to throw my self far out of comfort zone (again) and take myself off to dance classes, BY MY SELF! I have always loved dancing and was lucky enough to do it from a young age, but as I got older it took a back seat and eventually I stopped dancing altogether. I have always missed it but never considered getting back into it. That was until I saw a little advertisement on my local Facebook group. The advert was for a dance class in my local village hall teaching Bokwa Dance and Modern. Bokwa I had NEVER heard of but it sounded fun and modern I did in my younger days, and I was keen to get back into it! Deciding I was going to do this alone was actually quite a big thing for me, I’m more of a safety in numbers kind of girl and prefer to do things with other people – like my sister, however she had other plans on the night the class was on, so I either didn’t do it or did it by myself!! I was actually pretty nervous at starting an already established dance class where everyone knew each other, but I really Shouldn’t have been because everyone was just so lovely!!
4 lessons in and I am LOVING it! Okay I am a little rusty, but I’ll get there (eventually!!) 2019 is about pushing myself to try new things and giving things a go.
The 2nd thing I am adding to my list is VLOGGING!! To be honest this has been on the cards for ages, and I actually have a 2 week vlog from my Florida 2017 trip that really needs editing and posting, something I plan to do this year (??) but that aside I also really really want to vlog my Florida 2019 trip in September. I have been asked if I would consider doing a vlog on numerous occasions, and whilst it always seems like a good idea I have just never got round to actually doing it in full. So I thought I would kick start it all off with vlogging my up coming climb up Scarfell pike in a few weeks!!
Watch this space…….
I’m off now to make the most of my very last day off in the sun, and eat some more chocolate!!!
Hope everyone enjoys the rest of the day
Thanks for reading lifestylelisa
Happy Easter!!