Morning everyone!!
Hope you all had a great weekend!!
How quick are these months going by?! The next post I publish it will be AUGUST!! Which incidentally is also my birthday MONTH! And apart from being another year older (which I do not like) I absolutely LOVE birthdays and presents!! Especially presents! I submitted my 4 page birthday list to my family earlier on this month, so I’m pretty excited to see what presents will be waiting for me on the 15th of August!!
I’m actually hoping my sister (hint hint if your reading this) will pick get me some bath and body works hand sanitizers!! I’m running low and I’m not going to Florida this year, and they are the best hand gels EVER!!!… okay I’ve hinted enough….
Anyway Birthday aside, I didn’t have the best week (last week), not that I can pin point why, it was just slow and dragged and was super hot! I was glad for the weekend, it literally couldn’t come quick enough!
I did have a lovely weekend although it flew by way too quickly!! But don’t they always?!? Luke and I had a very chilled out one, a bit of shopping at our local outlet village, Starbucks (of course) dinner, catch up and cinema with friends on the Saturday and Sunday was even more chilled out!!! And we got 2 great lay ins too!!
Once again mine and Luke’s weekends have gone crazy from now until our holiday in September! We have lots to look forward too starting with family time this weekend coming!! I can’t wait to see my cousin her husband and her 3 gorgeous kiddies including my beautiful goddaughter!!
I’m feeling more refreshed on this Monday morning and I’m ready to tackle the week! I’m looking forward to getting my nails done on Tuesday and welcoming August on Wednesday!!
I also can’t wait to publish the first post of a brand new month!
Until then, as always I thank you for taking time out to read lifestylelisa.com
Have a great Monday
L xxx