Saturday Mornings, don’t you just LOVE THEM!! Seriously is there any better feeling than waking up on a Saturday morning and thinking you have to get up for work, then remembering it’s SATURDAY and you don’t work weekends, which means LAY IN!! I can’t be the only one who LOVE’S that feeling.
I love chilling out for a bit with my breakfast watching some Saturday morning TV before getting ready to start the day. I have to start the day with porridge and a cup of tea, sometimes it’s lemon tea, but really nothing pleases more than a good cup of tea!
Today is definitely more chilled out for Luke and I as he is recovering from his operation that he had on Thursday 7/06/2018. It was an operation to sort out his sinus’s that he has been having problems with ever since we went to Florida in 2015. I think Luke is really looking forward to being able to breath properly again and taste his food a bit better than he could before! I was a bag of nerves on Thursday waiting for news on him, I am a natural born worrier which really doesn’t help, but I also had to work so couldn’t be there with him which made it even worse!! Of course he was and is completely fine. I went round to see him Thursday night and took him round a cheeky Starbucks (come on, who doesn’t love a cheeky Starbucks) I earn girlfriend points for that! And I sacrificed Love Island to go round and see him, make that double girlfriend points!!

Starbucks to go…….
Yes you did read that right, I am now hooked on Love Island, I promise you it’s the first time I have ever watched it, after all the hype last year I knew i must be missing out, so this year I made sure to schedule it in. Honestly, don’t knock it until you’ve watched it, that’s all i’m saying!!
So back to our Saturday, well today I need to get ruthless and start clearing out and selling things! Where do I start though!! I have suitcases and bin liners full of junk and who knows what else. With the clothes my motto is if I haven’t worn them in the last six months, they are out! I am doing all this I might add and looking after Luke, coffee, lunch, whatever he needs! I’m a keeper!!

Clear out time!
Once i’m done with the unpacking and selling etc, this evening we are all off to the cinema to watch Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom. I’m going with Luke my mum and dad and Luke’s dad, it’s a Taylor family tradition that we go to the cinema to watch the Jurassic Park franchise together and have done so ever since the first one come out. I am a HUGE Jurassic Park fan, I love all the movies, I own all the movies and I can watch them over and over again!! The Jurassic Park ride at Universal Studios Orlando is one of my favourite’s, and whilst visiting Universal Studios back in 2015 I also met a Raptor…. Safe to say it made my year!!
I am super excited to go and watch the film, in 3D of course! with my Starbucks! always a medium coffee frappe light with soya milk!!
I’m secretly hoping Jurassic World Fallen Kingdom will be playing on my British airways flight to the Seychelles this September, Jurassic World was showing on my Virgin Atlantic flight on the way to Florida in 2015, and I watched it on repeat for the entire journey (LOSER!!) but it kept me occupied for 9 hours!!
Well I am off to make a start on things, for the next 8 hours I will buried away under piles of clothes!
Wish me luck!!
Thanks for stopping by lifestylelisa.com
L xxx