Autumn Decor

Autumn Decor

The first of the “Ber” months have officially arrived and as you all know by now, they are my favourite months of all. Okay the weather may not be to its full autumnal potential just yet, but I’m pretty sure it won’t be too long until the cool crisp mornings and...
365 Days around the sun

365 Days around the sun

August is a wonderful month, full of summer sunshine mixed with some summer rain (which is just the norm for the UK) It’s also the month where I celebrate my birthday – or as I like to affectionately call it “Lisa Day” To be honest I am not a huge fan of...
Chasing August Sunsets

Chasing August Sunsets

Waking up to sunshine streaming through the window you just can’t help but to smile, the summer season has finally bloomed in full glory and August has arrived. And then I thought about it and my smiled widened slightly – because the BER months are immanent, and...
For the love of long hot summer days

For the love of long hot summer days

I couldn’t start off this post without saying HAPPY JULY!! And now it’s July (officially summer season right?) Could it be that summer finally has at last arrived here in the UK? I don’t want to jinx it or anything but it’s certainly feeling that the season is once...
The Ber months are coming!

The Ber months are coming!

Sitting here this evening snuggled under a thick blanket with a mug of steaming hot tea, it kind of feels like those “Ber” months that I’m such a huge fan of are actually here. And honestly it really does make my heart super happy! Okay hear me out, it’s not like I’m...