Waking up after a nice lay in is in my opinion one of the most perfect ways to I kick start any weekend. After a long week at work, I love getting into bed on a Friday night and switching off the alarm, that feeling has to be up there right?

With no particular plans today, I decided on a  chilled Saturday focusing on things I enjoy. So come spend a Saturday with me!

Firstly I have to greet my little ginger bear Hunter, he’s always so happy to see Luke and I. He’s a little ray of sunshine and I love it when he wakes up, but I especially love it when he wants cuddles. I have all the time in the world for that. I mean look at that face! He’s too cute!!

So first things first it’s a quick tidy of the kitchen, and dishwasher unload. Anyone else’s husband lay in bed just listening to you do the dishwasher, then come downstairs and try and help when it’s almost done? Or is that just my husband? 

After a quick kitchen tidy and dishwasher unload, it was time for breakfast. And breakfast as standard is porridge, because I am addicted to oats! Monday to Friday I have plain oats but at the weekend I like to go “crazy” and have flavoured oats, always prepared of course with no added sugar almond milk and some frozen berries. Add a cup of tea for me and coffee for Luke both with oat milk and that is one of my favourite breakfasts, satisfying and filling. 

Morning shower done (I love a long hot morning shower) It was time to put my face on, and by face I actually mean my beauty skin care products and not makeup. Since I am now very much in the mindset of very minimal make up where possible, (although ALWAYS lashes and lips) unless of course I am heading on out then we go full on.

My favourite skincare products (at the moment, because no doubt that will change) are The inkey list products. I especially love their retinol and SPF cream. I wear SPF every single day, it’s the biggest must have essential. Admittedly I haven’t always worn SPF, but I now have a sun spot on my face which has been there for a while, but I decided to get it checked out in February 2023 on the advice of my eyebrow tech. Thankfully the doctor confirmed that it was just a sun spot which was a result of both not wearing SPF and the use of sun beds. I have now ditched the sun beds and SPF is part of my daily routine. I finish off my minimal weekend makeup with the wonderskin lip gloss (absolutely obsessed) And then a quick spray of rituals perfume.

As I said earlier, we had no particular plans today, but when you have a super energetic (sometimes) 5 year old dog and the weather is bright and sunny, it was definitely time to head out on a long walk.

Obviously my hair goes up into the standard dog mum bun, knitted headband on (so I don’t get earache) and to complete the must have look I add my muddy dog waking coat and some very very muddy wellies!! oh and let’s not forget some all essential sun glasses – just because! And why not add into that mix a cheesy grin? I mean a normal smile would have been just as efficient.

We spent just over an hour on our walk over the discovery centre, unfortunately Hunter has to stay on a lead, because he has zero recall when needed! Although when we are in training class, typically his recall is spot on! However he still has a good time running around and loves meeting other dogs.

With our walk over it was time to go grab a drink, we settled on a Costa now I am a Starbucks girl, but Costa was on our route home so it made sense to stop and get a coffee frappe with coconut milk. If I’m ordering my go to Starbucks it’s coffee Frappuccino with soya. Oh and I take my own cup everywhere!! Becasue reuse and try and help the planet right? These cups are available from Serene Sage on Etsy (sorry UK delivery only) but go check them out, I love and am pretty obsessed with all of the designs

Walk done, coffee purchased it was time to head home, Hunter was tried and hungry (more so tired) Luke was hungry and I had some video editing to do for my YouTube channel which you can check out here. I made Luke a small healthy lunch with a side of miso soup and small piece of homemade banana oat bread (which I’d love to share the recipe for, but I kind of just make it up as I go along!) I settled for a miso soup as I wasn’t overly hungry and even passed on the banana oat bread (which I confirm was DELICIOUS, because I tried a lot when I was making it!)

Spending a few hours editing my Maldives travel vlogs, and I was definitely having holiday blues! I spend a lot of my free time researching travel destinations and watching travel programmes. I am pretty obsessed when it comes to travel! I also enjoy editing my travel vlogs because it’s a chance to reminisce about my amazing time and all that we got up to.

After spending a few hours editing, time was getting in and I had dinner to prepare. So I am not the best cook, but I love being in the kitchen following recipes and making edible food, because Luke actually does enjoy my cooking – so maybe I’m not that bad after all!!