August is a wonderful month, full of summer sunshine mixed with some summer rain (which is just the norm for the UK) It’s also the month where I celebrate my birthday – or as I like to affectionately call it “Lisa Day”

To be honest I am not a huge fan of birthdays (anyone who knows me will know that) I mean celebrating getting older? No thank you! However I do realise that getting older is something that some people never get the chance to celebrate, and in that sense I know how incredibly lucky I am to experience life and I am very grateful for that. But on a small selfish personal note – I’m just not a fan of climbing the age ladder.

Celebrating my birthday isn’t all bad though – I mean presents right? And no one loves presents more than me!! And this “Lisa Day” was just full of the nicest gifts, and I felt well and truly spoilt. And it was lovely to spend an evening chilling with my family, before Luke took me off to London on the Saturday (separate blog post pending)

So let’s get down to it, another 365 days around the sun, and what a year it’s been. Since last years birthday I have continued my love of travelling and visited Florida (again) and ticked off of my travel list Iceland, Australia & Shannon Ireland. I’m hoping to visit a few more places before the end of the year (fingers crossed)

Although another year older I’m certainly none the wiser and still manage to walk through life making the same mistakes I promised myself I wouldn’t. And although the mistakes aren’t huge, they are the little things that really annoy me, like letting irrelevant people get under my skin with their irritating ways, sometimes it’s just people’s whole demeanour that I just cannot comprehend. Instead of blocking it out, I let it annoy me, sometimes ignorance is bliss right?

In 365 days I have been on a roller coaster journey with my weight, I hate the way I almost disrespect my own body, but you just can’t help what you feel. I’m just within the last few weeks starting to gain some confidence which I am enjoying, it’s a breath of fresh air to be honest to be able to give myself a break and not be so hard on myself.

Since last years birthday I’ve watched my small business gradually start to grow which I am forever thankful for. It’s tough at times, it’s hard work, but the hard work is starting to pay off. And I’m lucky to have an amazing support system made up of my husband, my mum and my dad – I’d be absolutely lost without them, and the support they give me and my small business, is something I will always be thankful for.

In 365 days I’ve laughed, loved and lived, I’ve made memories, I’ve been on adventures, I’ve slept in late on weekends, I’ve been on long dog walks, I’ve climbed the story bridge in Brisbane, I experienced the worst jet lag ever flying to and from Australia. I got delayed by 3 hours at Shannon airport because of storms, I’ve whale watched in Iceland. I’ve been blessed with some amazing 5* reviews on my Etsy shop, but equally I got a 2*, I’ve had Etsy parcels not arrive to customers. I did 2 new beauty courses and gained 2 new qualifications, I’ve cried at silly things and been super hormonal. I passed my final grade at skate school, I’ve started vlogging more, Hunter’s tested my patience to the max, I’ve not been sure in what direction I’m meant to be heading in. And you know what? All that is fine, its absolutely okay to take the rough with the smooth, to take every day as it comes and to realise that no matter what the situation it’s all part of learning and growing, and finally I think I’m okay with that.

Florida October 2023
Australia February 2024
Iceland November 2023
Australia February 2023
Travel obsessed (Jumper from Serene Sage)
Making memories at Cirque Du Soleil’s Alegria
Iceland November 2023
Florida October 2024

So here’s a cheers to my 365 days around the sun, it’s been a journey and in reflection I’ve loved it, now to start another 365 days.