Waking up to sunshine streaming through the window you just can’t help but to smile, the summer season has finally bloomed in full glory and August has arrived. And then I thought about it and my smiled widened slightly – because the BER months are immanent, and I am counting down waiting patiently for their arrival.

But first it’s time to enjoy the sunshine and everything that August has to offer. Firstly I love this month for the simple fact that – schools are out. And I know that’s weird seeing as a) I’m not a teacher & b) I don’t have children, but as soon as the summer holidays hit the roads are noticeably quieter making my working journey far better but especially Lukes journey who travels to and from London 4 days a week. With far less traffic on the road both of our journeys to and from work are a breeze and Luke gets home far earlier, which I love.

August also for me well and truly represents summer, it is THE summer month, and come rain or shine I wear summer clothes. I love the feeling of the warm sun on my skin, and the need for minimal if not any make up (SPF always of course) I love alfresco dining and sitting outside watching the sun go down. Watching the bee’s do their thing and the butterflies dancing around in the sky. Summer really is a pretty vibe, and even though I’m an autumn girl (please give me a pumpkin someone) I can’t help but to be excited that August is here and summer has finally arrived.

I have a long list of many things I love and enjoy anytime of the year. But you know when you have things that are just so relatable to summer months more than any other season? Well that’s the list I call “Things I love – but especially in Summer” and naturally I’m going to share that list with you.

1) Cream cheese and cucumber sandwiches – sometimes I will substitute this for a bagel. But for the most part it has to be a sandwich without crusts, and I like crusts, but it just makes the sandwich so much more elegant and dainty. Actually my mum used to make me cucumber and cream cheese sandwiches when I was little. We used to call them dolly sandwiches as she would use a cookie cutter to cut them into pretty shapes like hearts and flowers. I miss those dolly sandwiches now.

2) Mr whippy ice creams with sprinkles and a flake in a waffle cone – This is the treat that just hits the spot! And it’s one of my favourite little treats to enjoy whilst waking along the beach on a summers evening.

3) Hummus and veggie sticks – This is a go to for anytime of the year, but just hits so differently during the summer months. Add in some pitta bread and it’s an absolute winner.

4) Iced Jasmine green tea – During the winter months I like hot Jasmine tea but during the summer months letting it cool right down and serving over ice is just the most refreshing drink!

5) Playing country songs loud – I have always been a fan of country tunes, but during the summer months they hit on a whole new level. Driving to new destinations with Luke with some country music playing loud reminds me of being in Florida, and they are happy memories.

6) Wearing cute cute playsuit and summer dresses – Okay technically this is only something I do in summer and on holidays. But I just adore playsuits, they are just the easiest summer essential in my opinion. And is there anything better than a pretty little summer dress teamed with a pair of cute flats. Ahhh summer bliss.

7) Wearing light pretty floral scented perfumes – You all know that I am huge fan of perfumes and tend to stick to heavier oud fragrances during the autumn winter months but when summer hits I love wearing light pretty floral fragrances. I don’t think you can beat a floral perfume during the warm summer season.

8) Summer picnics – Surely this one has to be on a lot of lists? I mean come on what’s better than packing up a picnic hamper with all of your favourite treats and snacks and heading out into the summer sunshine for a picnic?

9) Outdoor cinema’s – Last year Luke took me to an outdoor cinema to watch Top Gun Maverick, and it was such a vibe! We combined that with packing up a picnic, took some chairs and blankets and cosied up under the stars to enjoy a good movie. Perfect right?

Even as an autumn loving girl I don’t intend to wish away any of the final summer month before the season once again begins to change. But how lucky are we to live in a world where we have seasons and all the change that it brings, that makes me me feel very blessed.