Sitting here this evening snuggled under a thick blanket with a mug of steaming hot tea, it kind of feels like those “Ber” months that I’m such a huge fan of are actually here. And honestly it really does make my heart super happy! Okay hear me out, it’s not like I’m wishing away the months and the year BUT I can’t lie and say I’m not really really vibing those chilly mornings and nights, that pumpkin spice aroma, pumpkin picking, autumnal cute outfits, and that unmistakable Smokey smell in the air that when you smell it, you just know it’s autumn.
It’s strange because I am actually a summer baby with a birthday in August, and honestly I don’t have anything against summer (unlike spring) but I do get a little excited when August hits and the countdown to autumn begins. And as soon as we hit the beginning of September all of my autumn decorations come out in “fall” force! What can I say? I just can’t help myself.
There really isn’t anything I don’t enjoy in the ber months, long country walks take on a whole new feel with the crunchy leaves on the ground. Dressing for any occasion is far more simple, and hello – Starbucks bless us once again with PSL’s!!!!
Of course I love to watch every single horror movie that’s ever been made, whilst enjoying a candy apple (although it has to be a good candy apple, luckily Luke makes amazing ones)
Date days take on a whole new meaning in autumn, whether it’s pumpkin picking and carving, hikes, scenic walks with amazing photo opportunities or baking together at home, it’s just the absolute cosy vibes that I simply adore.
Of course I do have to keep reminding myself that’s it’s only June and there are still 82 days until the Ber months arrive. And I’m okay with that, my legs could do with seeing some daylight before they hibernate for the winter, my skin is in some serious need of vitamin D, and even I can admit that lazy long summer weekends are pretty cute, and I guess we could all do with some hot sun.
Still the inner autumn girl in me will be screaming to break feee and feel the chill of the morning on her cheeks.