And just like that, our incredible time in Australia had come to an end. The trip had been short but amazing and the journey to get there was long, but absolutely so worth it. And yes we will definitely be returning in the not so distant future.
We booked our trip on the 28th December 2023, and although we had been talking about it for a year it was still pretty impromptu. And that’s what I love – not thinking too much about it, just living in the moment and doing it.
Jet lag was a killer, the worst I have ever had it, and we both struggled so much especially during the evenings, the cold weather (I’m not exaggerating) didn’t help with that though. And don’t get me wrong we had some absolutely beautiful weather too but it does seem to rain every day though (pretty much like it does in Florida, but I always travel prepared)
Over the course of our 8 days (not including travel) We did 114,066 steps and walked 55 miles. The days were long and tough going with the jet lag, but as a couple we knew that and Luke and I are not ones to waste our time sleeping in when there is a world of adventure to be had and memories to be made.
I didn’t see a single highly venomous (will kill you in 30 minutes) snake or spider, which was something that I was really worried about – more so spiders than snakes. I didn’t see any great white sharks although I swear I did see a few people with missing limbs and your mind can’t help to wonder if that was a shark attack…… likewise I didn’t see any wild crocodiles either (pretty sad about though)
I think the final part of this blog post has to be dedicated to Luke, the best husband, friend, travel buddy not to mention my inspiration – in the whole world. No matter how short our time is in any place he makes sure that we don’t miss out on anything, he knows all the best spots, he does his research and above all this he always makes sure that my happiness comes before anything. I just adore all of our many adventures together, and I look forward to many many more.
But for now it was time to say goodbye, and get ready for the long journey home – 1 train & 3 planes – it was long! But I’d do it again in a heartbeat. Life is too short, so make the planes and travel,
“Live life with no excuses, travel with no regret.” – Oscar Wilde

Nice post ?