On the 28th of December 2023 Luke and I booked flights to Australia and then planned accommodation and everything else around those flights. On the 3/2/24 my impromptu trip and long journey to Australia was about to start
Side note – I’ve had a few people ask where my jumper is from so check out the Etsy link to Serene Sage https://www.etsy.com/uk/listing/1650844352/excuse-me-while-i-travel-the-world?click_key=6b149b8c709d04e2791d5b74e9757342e4f2fb53%3A1650844352&click_sum=1740a380&ref=shop_home_feat_4&frs=1

Travel Journal
Arriving at Gatwick airport on a cold Friday night Luke had booked us into the Hilton hotel which was actually a great idea seeing as we were aiming to get to check in for 4am (with our flight being at 08.55) I think I only got about 3 and a half hours sleep, because after arriving at the hotel at near enough 9pm, grabbing a quick bite to eat and finally unwinding for a bit, it was definitely gone 11pm by the time my head hit the pillow and I drifted off to sleep. Woken promptly at 2.30am – because 1) We were leaving the hotel at 3.45am to make our way to the check in and 2) I hadn’t washed my hair in over a week (gross I know) so it really needed doing as there was far too much dry shampoo in it, and it felt awful. So I got up at 2.30am because I hate rushing, I like to have a chill and relaxing shower and enjoy the hot (really hot) water washing over me. So I allow myself time to just stand under it for a good 10 minutes before I even tackle the hair!
So we got to check in at really nice and early 4.15am only to find out that checking for Qatar airways actually opens at 5.30, and actually that wasn’t true because by the time they had set themselves up at the check-in desk it was nearing 5.45am. Luckily the queue went quick and to my surprise there was hardly any queue for security meaning we were airside and making our way to the lounge in a very speedy 10 minutes. Luke and I do love a lounge, somewhere to just sit and have some down time before the travelling commences. We have actually done a few lounges in various airports so Luke after a bit of review reading decided to book us into the flight lounge group. So very briefly, this is NOT your typical lounge. It’s a very open space and there aren’t nearly as many tables like there are in other lounges which in all honesty can sometimes seem a little on the cramped side. There is no buffet as such, they have some pieces of fruit on the bar, along with some cereal and pastries that you help yourself too. The menu for hot food was a full English or a vegetarian breakfast, or pancakes, or a fruit compote with granola. I of course opted for the compote which was actually really nice, whilst Luke went for the full English and rated it pretty highly. He said it was all cooked fresh rather than batch cooked for the buffets. Tea and coffee and a selection of cold drinks is also available.

The tiny downside to this lounge is that it’s very child friendly, they have a games section with an air hockey table, they have a gaming section with a PlayStation and screen, and they also have a soft play area as well as a row of iPads lined up all tailored towards children. For me the sound of air hockey being played at 6 in the morning was not ideal when i’m trying to enjoy my flat white with oat milk. The staff i encountered were incredibly friendly, and it’s not that I wouldn’t go back or recommend, I’m just putting it way out there that it is designed for families with younger children.
With our boarding gate being called Luke and I made our way to the gate – with a quick stop off at WH Smith’s for some bottles of water (hydration is key) before boarding out Qatar airways flight to Doha. This was a first time for both of us flying with Qatar and I have to say I highly rate it! The staff were friendly and attentive, the food was very nice and the inflight entertainment was amazing in comparison to some long hauls I have been on.
I didn’t have any down time on this 6 hours and 45 minute flight, choosing instead to stay wide awake and watch Barbie, Mama Mia and Hairspray. And relaxing watching movies made the flight go extremely quick.
Landing in Doha at 6.15pm local time, our luggage was already (I hoped) making its way to the second plane. We didn’t have to check it in again as we had a connecting flight, and to be honest everything was pretty well sign posted meaning we once again didn’t have long queues.
Having only a very short time at Hamad international we grabbed 2 detox juices from the bar and headed to our terminal. If you are flying from this airport then just a heads up, they have another bag scanner security point just before you board. Luckily I knew this from my sister who flew into Dubai where they have the same thing, but they will not let you take any fluids through with you, so if you have purchased any drinks then drink up as they will be confiscated.
Settling into my seat on the second flight (again Qatar airlines) the film selection although good was not as good as the flight before, which was a shame as this flight was going to be long! Like 14 hours long! So after a nice light meal (seriously good food on Qatar airlines) I decided that i needed to sleep, so teeth cleaned and my face cleansed it was time to put on my sleep mask and see if I could get some down town (in the middle seat in economy)
All in all I think I managed to get about 3/4 hours of broken sleep, but that’s not too bad, I mean it’s better than zero sleep right? But yeah the flight was LONG! Once I woke up we were treated to breakfast, or brunch? Or shall I just say nice food. I wasn’t sure I was overly hungry but I still ate it! Qatar airways know how to look after you on a long haul. I was just patiently counting down the hours until we land – praying it would go quickly boredom set in!
Imagine my complete excitement when we started making out decent into Sydney and by 18.15 Sydney time had arrived! I could not have been happier to be off the plane and moving again. Everything at Sydney airport was very efficient and we were through customs and security in about 30 minutes! Although super sad that I didn’t get a stamp in my passport (is that not a thing now?!)
Stepping outside the airport after being on a plane for the last 14 hours and I got hit with the heat! The kind of heat I love! It kind of reminded me of that Florida heat when you walk out of the airport, and you know how much I’m here for that.
We got an Uber to our hotel ( Kith hotel) and finally after 28 hours door to door we were able to un pack and unwind! Our hotel was in walking distance of the darling harbour so wanting to stay awake we got changed out of our winter flight clothes and headed off on a nice evening walk to find an iced coffee. Actually intended to find a Starbucks but that walk was quite long, so we settled for an iced coffee in one of the harbour cafes)

Honestly just WOW I couldn’t believe we were here on the other side of the world, I very quickly found myself falling in love with Australia.

Coffees consumed it was time to head back to the hotel, for a long hot way overdue shower, a cup of tea and finally some sleep.
Check out the travel vlog here