Hello, well as if the fab weekend wasn’t over so quickly! And also is it seriously STILL January?- this month is going on forever! Although I’m sure that when we get into February I’ll be moaning that month is going way too fast, forever the indisicive girl.
So another week has been and gone, and that week was long! But in between the storms, the power cuts and the nearly falling asleep at my desk during the working week, I somehow survived all of it! Winning at life right now.
So as we have established the week was long, and just so draining. And main reason behind that was Hunter. I have always prided lifestylelisa as being as honest as possible when it comes to what I write and share in my posts. So taking the rough and tough with the smooth the reason why last week was so difficult and draining is because Hunter my lively 4 year old Hungarian Vizsla is going through an awkward phase, and trying to get to the root of the issue is proving a problem. Hunter is lively and friendly and so so affectionate and I absolutely love him for it. But his behaviour over the last year and especially over the last few months has made me question whether Luke and I are really the right owners for him, and maybe that somehow we had failed him. It’s been an emotional roller coaster feeling torn between absolutely loving Hunter and wanting what’s best for him. Of course I always knew that re-homing him was never ever really on cards even if I did wonder if it might be best for him. I mean honestly no one on earth loves my dog as much as Luke and I, Hunter is our entire world. But behaviour wise we have been having issues that are getting harder and harder to ignore. So on Sunday we took the plunge and had a lovely dog behavioural expert come round and asses Hunter and more importantly us to see where it’s gone/going wrong and what we can do to rectify the situation before it gets too out of control. So the meeting took place on (Sunday) at our house and it was informative and thorough, and although we have a long way to go, Luke & I have a number of things to work on and I am feeling very positive that by the summer we could potentially have really turned things around (here’s hoping)
The behavioural expert confirmed something that I really had wondered lately and that was just how much Hunter loves us. And deep down of course I knew that, but hearing it from someone with so much knowledge, hearing her say that he loves us so much, and in return we have over loved him (which is why he’s a little messed up) did actually mean the world to me. She also confirmed that he is the sweetest boy, and is so willing and ready to learn, and honestly I couldn’t be more thankful that we contacted her, and I couldn’t love my fury ginger little bear anymore than I do.

So whilst last week may have been a bit up an down I am hoping that this week will be so much better.
This will now be my last blog post until the middle of February as I am off on a brand new journey with my husband and will be making more amazing memories. Of course I am already getting tearful about missing Hunter but once again mum and dad to the rescue as they will be looking after him and the house whilst we are gone. And I know Hunter will be well loved and looked after, and although I will be enjoying my holiday I will also be looking forward to that big hug and wet kick from Hunter when I return.