Happy December guys! Here we are in the festive season, with the cold weather well and truly settled in. I mean I am an autumn/winter girl but even I have to admit that the morning and evening dog walks are the worst, still dog mum life and all that.
It’s been a while since I’ve had time to sit down and write up any kind of content. I don’t even know where the last two months have gone! It’s honestly been so crazy recently and it’s showing no sign of slowing down any time soon. Which of course I love, because being busy and having a packed diary makes my heart full and very happy and seeing as we are now into the holly jolly season, well there’s plenty to smile about. Although I have to admit I am finding it a little more difficult to find my Christmas spirit this year, which is so weird, as usually I am flying high with Christmas joy. Hopefully I’ll find it within the next week, or Christmas will be over and I would have missed the festive cheer build up.
Since my last post back in October, I have been lucky enough to fit in a trip to Iceland, and I honestly cannot wait to share my travels with you all. But for now that sits in line patiently behind my must write up Bora Bora travel diary and also Florida, so it’s safe to say, I’m pretty busy right now. November was also busy with celebrating a birthday and spending time in Norfolk with friends.
The festivities are well under way in the Kendal house, the tree is up the decor is out and yes I can safely say – it’s beginning to look a lot like Christmas (even if I’m not fully feeling it at the minute) This year is actually going to be a super special Christmas for me as for the first time in 10 years Luke & I will be spending the whole of Christmas Day together. I know that sounds crazy but we’ve never done it before. Luke goes to his parents on Christmas Eve and I go off to mine, we then see each other later on in the day. But this year (and honestly I am so excited about it) Luke and I will be together for the entire day as he spends Christmas with me and my family, at my family home. We will then dedicate Boxing Day to spending it with his family at his family home. So it’s going to be a busy but so worth it and absolutely amazing Christmas time.