Happy Sunday! Hope everyone is having a good one! I kind of can’t help but to love Sundays I mean sure, tomorrow it’s back to work which means the alarm will be set for 5am. But I love the chilled out vibes that Sundays offer, especially when you have a free day and have absolutely no plans whatsoever. A day to do whatever I want, it’s rare that’s for sure, so I am fully embracing it!
Since my last post was dedicated to the list I wrote back in 2019, and reflecting on the things I didn’t get round to doing. I thought as we’re almost through the second month of 2023, it’s now time to write a new list. And who knows, I may even be able to stick to this one.

1. Book a holiday (or two, or maybe even 3) – I’m sure this is on everyone’s list, because who doesn’t want to go on holiday! Just the thought of going to an airport and boarding a flight makes me smile!. I know I was lucky enough to visit the beautiful French Polynesian paradise, Bora Bora, but that was last year, right! Even if it was only December, it was December of last year! So I need to get on a figure out where I’d like to go! I mean the list is pretty long and endless!!
2. Finish off the house – Luke & I have been in our house for four years now, and it’s still not finished. Although are houses ever really finished? I mean I’m always looking to change rooms around, and style them differently. However there are certain parts of the house that need more attention than others. So I am hoping we can get on with some decorating this year!
3. Learn to scuba dive – Well this has been on my list since 2019 so it seems only right to put it on my 2023 list. It’s just finding the time to be able to do the course!
4. Travel, travel, travel, travel, travel – Okay this kind of comes under the same umbrella as booking a holiday BUT If this is the only thing off of my list that I get to do this year, then PLEASE let it be travel! There’s so many places I want to visit, I just want to grab my passport board a plane and go! In fact it’s time to update my travel destination list!
5. Watch more Westend shows – I make no secret of how much I love heading into London and watching a show. It’s quite honestly one of my most favourite things to do. This year I want to see even more shows as I only managed to watch 5 last year. I really need to top that this year. It’s definitely also time to update my show list!
6. Climb Ben Nevis (finally) – Another one that was on my original 2019 list, and one that I am desperate to complete and tick off this year. Although I have never wanted to do the 3 peak challenge I did want to climb the 3 mountains (Snowdon, Scafel Pike & Ben Nevis) in 3 years. After completing Snowdon in 2018 and Scafel in 2019, Covid ended my dream of completing 3 in 3 years. And then life got super busy and I have never gotten round to doing it. Could this be the year (I hope so)
7. Use gift experiences – We’ve had to extend these gift experience expire dates so many times that they may now be invalid and unable to be used. If not though this is the year that I want to use all 3 of them! I swear Luke & I are the only couple who forget that we even have them, we put them away and seem to remember them once they have expired!
8. Visit London zoo – The amount of times I go to London in a year and I still haven’t visited London Zoo! So this year I am 100% visiting London zoo!
9. Blog more – Ridiculous one I know because I am a blogger but I need to really give lifestylelisa more attention. It always takes a back seat when life gets super busy, and there are times where I will go weeks without posting any fresh content. 2023 I will be trying to put blogging first!
10. Plan more date days – I have now been married for over a year and it’s so so important to still do the fun things like dating. Luke and I still love to date however having Hunter means most of our dates are Taylor made for him & taking him to fun places. We do such a lot with hunter and specifically try and do something really fun with him on Sundays. So I have suggest that Luke & I take one Saturday a month to do something just the two of us. A date day! So it’s going on the list and it’s something I will be blogging about once we have some ideas in place.
2023 list done, I must be able to at least tick off a few things!