Hey, I’m back with another food post, because I just love food, and sometimes recipes are just too good not to share!
With my honeymoon just weeks away (5 and a bit but who’s counting) I am desperately trying to find healthy recipes that I can stock up on for when snackcident’s happen. Because hey I’m only human after all and the odd snackcident does unfortunately occur!
So today I thought I’d share a short, easy and let’s say semi healthy recipe for PB & J oat muffins or as I call them for short “muff cups”
Before I start can we just take a moment to appreciate oats! I mean they are so versatile and I nearly always include oats in my baking! I literally just love oats!
Okay appreciation post over, it’s time for that recipe! And just to clarify this is not my recipe, this is a Instagram gem by healthyeatgram, I’ve just tweaked it in places!
Okay, here we go
3 banana’s
1/2 cup of peanut butter
4tbs of jam (jelly) of choice, I used grape jelly as it’s my favourite!
1/2 cup of oat milk (or milk of choice)
1/2 cup of maple syrup
2 cups of rolled oats
2 cups of musli
2 cups of granola
2tsp of baking powder
1tsp of cinnamon
In a large mixing bowl mash bananas until smooth(ish) then add in all the other ingredients and mix together well! Obviously a taste test as you go is obligatory of course, so you can decide if it needs a little more of any of the above ingredients!
Once all ingredients are mixed well together distribute the mixture evenly into muffin cups.
Preheat the over to 140 degrees and bake for 25 minutes.
Let them cool (unless you are like Luke and can’t wait) and absolutely enjoy (with a cup of tea!)
They may not look worthy of a bake off Paul Hollywood hand shake, but let me tell you they taste amazing!!