In my opinion there is nothing better than finishing work on a Friday, getting in the car and heading away for a short weekend break. It doesn’t matter where, I just love being away.
Last weekend Luke & I packed our bags and headed off to Horning in Norfolk for a Friday to Sunday short break. Norfolk holds a very special place in my heart as it is of course the county where Luke & I got married back in January of this year, so it always feels special being there. And as an added bonus Lukes parents have a house on the Norfolk boards so we don’t even need to find accommodation when we go, super lucky.
Getting out of Essex if only for 48 hours (actually slightly less) is a wonderful feeling, no housework or cooking, and this particular weekend no Hunter. Although honestly I really missed him, I’ve come to the realisation that I don’t like being away from him, not ideal when you have a honeymoon fast approaching!
It takes just under 2 hours to get to Horning from Essex, and once I got my pumpkin spice frappe from Starbucks I was pretty content with chilling out and enjoying the ride. We usually listen to a mix of songs while travelling anywhere, but of course with the recent sad announcement of the Queens passing we had the news on the radio for the entire journey.
We arrived at our destination just after 9pm and stepping out of the car I was all smiles, as the air was fresh and it felt so autumnal, and in case I hadn’t ever mentioned it before I LOVE AUTUMN!
After an amazing nights sleep, I woke up on Saturday and was desperate to head into Great Yarmouth. I don’t know why, it’s just somewhere I haven’t been for years, so while in Norfolk why not?!
Yarmouth is just that classic, classic seaside town, full of all everything I just love to see! Cafés, candy floss, fish and chips, ice cream, sweet treats, sticks of rock, seafood, amusement arcades, funfair’s, and yes, I even found a Starbucks (Pumpkin spice frappe, please!) And then we found a crazy golf! And since Luke thinks he’s the Tiger Woods (literally the only golfing player I know) of crazy golf we just had to play!! I admit golf is that sport I’ve never been bothered to watch, or understand. A game of the crazy variety is fine, although it will come as no surprise when I say that I’m not very good at it! My tactic is to just hit the ball as hard as I can, keep my fingers crossed and hope for the best (is that not what pro golfers do then?!) After a few rubbish shots from me, Luke then turns into Tiger Woods golfing coach and starts giving me pointers (because he had golf lessons when he was like 5, and IS a pro – Love you Luke incase you’re reading this, which to be fair you should be!) Anyways so Luke is giving me these pointers and I am actually listening and as it would turn out taking all that information in, because from then on I was pretty decent! Not pro decent obviously, although pretty close if you ask me. But in all seriousness there was a vast improvement! Angling, balls, swinging, it might sound like something you’d read in 50 shades, but it turns out that’s all I needed to remember whilst on the 18 hole pirate course! And it was fun, I still lost, but I had fun, and lost by 5 silly points, who’s counting anyways!!
After golf was finished Luke & I found ourselves walking along the seafront, smelling the delicious smells coming from the food stalls. We walked for miles, just chilling, walking and talking, and just being out in the fresh air which is always just the best thing.

When Sunday arrived I woke up after a wonderful 10 hours and 47 minutes sleep, I felt so refreshed and energised. The sun was shining, breakfast was calling my name and as sad as I was to leave the beautiful peaceful village of Horning I am always so pleased to get on the road and get back home to pick up Hunter (who I missed a lot!)
Before we started the journey back to Essex we made a planed scheduled stop at Wroxham Barns. This was purely so I could pet and feed all the animals in the affection section (not sure if it’s called affection section but at Animal Kingdom in Walt Disney World it is!) So for those of you who are new to the blog, I LOVE animals! I love them, I want to keep all of them, I’d own a farm if I could, I don’t eat meat, I am just here for the animals!!! From chickens to elephants, I love them all. So naturally stopping at the barns to pet the goats, sheep, Alpaca’s, rabbits and chickens was always going to put the biggest smile of my face! I’ve only been to Wroxham barns once before way back in 2018, and it has been on my list to go back for a while! It’s literally the cutest place I know, not only are there of course animals, they also have little shops (including a delicious fudge shop) and a tea room. We didn’t spend too long here, just enough time for me to feed all the animals twice, because as Luke knows very well the saying goes “happy wife, happy life”. We also fitted in a quick sandwich before we left Norfolk and headed back to Essex. The ONLY criticism I have regarding Wroxham barns is it’s VERY kid oriented, it’s like you kind of look & feel out of place because you don’t have any children. Not that I would ever let something like that bother me, you can’t help but to notice it. Which makes me wonder why most things seem to be only for couples with children, especially in this day and age. For example Luke and I were not permitted to pick our own potato’s whilst at the barn, because this is only available to juniors, and not paying adults. And okay to be fair it didn’t bother me that I couldn’t pick potatoes, it was odd that we were told we couldn’t even though we had paid full price to visit. Even so I enjoyed my time, and would definitely return for another visit.
All in all 48 hours in Norfolk was good!!