8 months into the year already! WOW!! It’s going so quick (but then doesn’t it always?) And now we are in August it means that my favourite season is literally just around the corner, and honestly it’s the same every year, I just can’t wait. BRING ON AUTUMN!! Pumpkin spice everything, the smell of bonfire’s in the air, the falling of leaves and cute, cute autumnal wear, you just know I’m so hear for it, in fact I get excited just thinking about it!
But first August, the summer month – Well there’s a few things I want to focus on, of course I’m hoping my diary will continue to be busy, places to go, people to see, things to do!! The tick list I started way back when has now got longer with more things added to it!! I feel like it’s never ending!! One thing I MUST do is make time to catch up with friends, that’s top priority on my list. We just all lead such busy lives, it’s sometimes hard syncing up those diaries, but hopefully we’ll sort out a good catch up soon.
Feeling like I have been so hit & miss with blogging so far this year I’m hoping that I can get back on an even track this month for the remainder and start to be a little more consistent. But with everything else going on blogging just naturally takes a back seat. I regularly lose my passion for it, only to find it once again, it’s always an up and down rollercoaster. But it’s something I’m going to try and prioritise from now on.
This month is also Lisa month (birthday month) or as I like to call it, Lisa day. I’m not really a birthday fan, preferring Christmas all day any day. However as I’ve mentioned before on the upside I do like receiving gifts (who doesn’t right!) As of yet I have no real birthday plans, I’ll leave that all up to Luke……. I’m sure he’s organised…..
My healthy outlook and lifestyle is still on track, I’m okay with it and where I’m at and hope to keep that mindset and continue with it. My honeymoon is now booked for December, and I’m just so excited (more on that another day) all I know is I want all my summer clothes to still fit, that is the GOAL!!
So all I have to say is August I’m pretty ready for you!!